A Little Tweetey-Bird Chapter 11

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"What should I wear today, and do not answer with clothes."

"Okay well you should wear a dress,  you are going on a date after all. And Quigley called you his girlfriend so now it sort of is a date."

"How do you know about that?"

"A little tweety-bird told me."

"Klaus told you, didn't he?"


"Do you and Klaus have a thing?"


"Oh so you like Klaus."


"Don't lie to me, come on I know that you like him."

"So what are you guys seeing at the movies today?"

"Don't try to change the subject.

"I'm not!"

"Oh you do like Klaus, changing the subject was a clear sign. I will stop making fun of you now and get dressed." Isadora did not know what just happened. How had Violet figured her out just like that.

"What color should I wear?

"You could just wear purple, he likes purple, his commonplace book is even purple."

"Okay my favorite color is purple so that's good. She got dressed and did her hair and makeup. Violet normally didn't wear makeup but since yesterday was the first day of school and today she had a date she felt up to it.

"What do you want to do today before your date?"

"We could play chess, I always liked chess."

"Me too. Yeah we should play some chess."

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