Chapter 5: Decisions

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"Wow, your house is really beautiful" I told him, stepping in as he closed the front door behind me. "Thank you. I haven't always been a teacher, I've worked hard to afford all this." He told me, looking round his vast home. "Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee? Soda? Anything?" He asked.
"N-no, I'm fine, thank you." I stuttered. "Why am I here, Mr Iero." I hesitated.

I heard him laugh slightly as he headed into the living room. "Please, Jasmine. We're not in school now, it's Frank." He smiled, giving me that look... Frank, thats kinda hot..

"Okay...Frank, why am I here?" I asked, following him into the living room. He nodded at the seat opposite him, ushering me to sit down. "Well, you're the one that decided to come here, I only gave you my address." He told me. I finally sat down opposite him, looking round the room, hoping he would say something to break the awkward silence. Without saying a word, he left the room. As he walked out of the room he opened his top shirt button, letting out a sigh. I was left sitting there confused out of my mind.

I took a minute to take in my surroundings. I was sat in a midnight blue velvet arm chair, next to me was a small, rectangular drink cabinet, home to several bottles of different spirits and ales. Across the room there was a built in electric fire spreading across the width of the chimney breast, the floor was covered in a large Persian-style rug. I felt lightheaded at the thought of how much the things in this room would cost alone.

My mind snapped back to Mr Iero, he had been gone for a few minutes now, I stood from my seat and followed the direction he left in. I found him in the kitchen, just adjacent from the living room; "Mr Iero, we could get in a lot of trouble for me being here." He turned round to face me, standing no more than two inches away from me. "So you do think you're here for a reason?" He asked. His eyes piercing through mine, his stare was so blunt, so engaging, so hungry. My breathing started to pick up as the adrenaline pumped through me. "O-of course, Sir. I know what you get up to, and that's none of my business. But I'm not that kind of girl." He told him slightly stubbornly. "Then you're free to leave." He said, turning away from me and heading further into the house. "So that's it?! You just wanted to use me for sex?!" I yelled after him. Mr Iero stopped in his tracks and turned round to face me. "I am capable of more than you know, I just ask that you don't question it." He paused for a second. "Go home. Now Miss Cross." I heard from the distance. As I headed to the front door I felt a slight tug at the pocket of my jeans. I turned to see what it was and just saw Frank standing behind me. I gave him a confused frown and left the house. As soon as I was out of sight I dig into my back pocket, hoping there was a reason he tugged at me. I pulled a small card out from my back pocket and read it.

My intention was never to use you. You're interesting. I want to get to know you.
F x

Under his initial he had written what I can only assume was his phone number. This whole situation was so confusing, why would he have any interest in me? I'm just another school girl slut to him, right?

I shoved it back in my pocket and finally got up to my drive. I pushed my key into the door and felt the door swing open, forcing me to fall slightly into the doorway.
"And where have you been young lady?!" My mom spoke, standing at the door along with my dad. "Sorry mom, I was just walking slow that's all" I lied. She was always very harsh with her punishments, as an only child she knew she had to make an example out of me, I was always under very strict rules and disobeying them always lead to serious consequences.

"Give me your phone." She snapped, holding her hand out for my phone.
"Mom please, so I was a little late home!"
"Jasmine Cross it is pitch black outside, I know you wouldn't be stupid enough to walk all the way home in the dark. So to stop you seeing whoever you were with I'm taking your phone, do you understand?"
"Yes Mother." I told her handing over my phone, I knew better than to argue with her. She wasn't a harsh mother, but she was very stern when she felt like she had to be. "Go to your room, Jasmine. I hope whoever you've been with has at least had the decency to feed you." She called after me.

I gave her a smile and walked up the stairs to my bedroom, before I was even at the top of the stairs I already heard my mom crying. "We're losing her, I just know it!" I heard her sobbing to my dad. "We're not. She's fine, she was late home from school once!" He tried to comfort her. "She's probably found some boyfriend! What if he breaks her heart?!" I rolled my eyes at what I was hearing. As if any boy could break my heart! Especially one like Frank! But frank wasn't a boy... Frank was a man.

I pulled my laptop over to me and opened it up, checking my emails for any extra work I had sent to me.

One new email:

F Iero:
I think we need to talk.
Call me.

I rolled my eyes at his words. Why was he trying to mess with my head? What had I ever done to him? I ignored it and decided I didn't want to do any work today, I closed my laptop and turned my TV on until I went to sleep.

-The Next Day-

I walked into Math class and sat down at the back, avoiding all eye contact with Mr Iero.
The lesson went by a lot quicker than I thought it would. Yet I still felt Mr Ieros stares all through the lesson. When the bell finally went to signal the end of the lesson I was relieved that he hadn't said anything-
"Miss Cross I'd like you to stay behind please." He told me sternly, not looking up from the work he was doing. I let out a sigh and walked over to the front of the classroom. "Yes Sir?" I asked sweetly, as if nothing had ever happened. He watched the last few students leave the classroom and instructed me to close the door. "I told you to call me last night, why didn't you?"
"Sorry, got busy." I replied stubbornly. He just replied by raising his eyebrow at me. I let out a deep breath, "Fine. I had my phone taken off me until this morning because I was home so late." I told him, realising how childish it made me sound. "I see." He let out a deep breath. "Jasmine the last thing I want from you is sex." He told me, I suppose I knew we were both thinking it, but it surprised me to hear him actually say it. "Really?" I said sarcastically, smirking at him.
"Really." He stared. He wasn't having any of my jokes. "There's something different about you, I can't quite put my finger on it and until I figure it out I'm going to have to see you everyday."
"So what? You're like obsessed with me or something?" I joked.
"Maybe I am." He said with a straight face. "As I said, I haven't figured it out yet. So I'd very much appreciate it if you could at least text me tonight?" He winked as he finished his sentence.
"I'll be sure to do that. Can I go now?" I asked, trying not to melt at the wink he gave me. He just nodded and I left...

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