Chapter 19: Two Days Later...

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I let out a sigh as I got off the train back into my home town. I was cold, alone and depressed. I hadn't seen Kira since I left the venue two days ago. I decided the only logical thing to do was to go home and explain everything to my parents, and tell them that I now realise they were doing what was best for me and that I was sorry for running away. I remember the way I left the other night... I told Frank I never wanted to see him again and told Kira to never talk to me again. I started the hour long walk home from the train station I started to wander where it all went wrong, what could have happened in my life to fuck myself up this badly.

Soon enough I approached my front door, I let myself in with my key and found my parents sitting in the living room, both just staring at the ground. "Mom? Dad? I-I came home..." I said cautiously, not knowing how they would react. My mom stayed staring at the floor, my dad stood up and lead me into the kitchen. "Jasmine all we have ever tried to do it protect you from this man and look what's happened now. We don't care anymore, we've done what we can but if you want to get your heart broken again, be our guest. Were putting you back in school. You start in two weeks. Now that we know that he isn't going to be there, we've agreed to not have you in the house being moody all day everyday now." I followed my dad back into the living room and sat down sitting opposite my parents. "He didn't break my heart again, yes I did go to see him. He's in a band, and I went to see that band. He said on stage in front of thousands of people that he still loves me, he's never stopped loving me. I met him after the show, he said he could take me away, I told him I didn't want him to. I want you to know that I'm trying to take responsibilities for my actions. There's something I can't tell you yet, but I need you to be okay with it when I eventually do tell you, okay? Frank offered to take me away, I turned him down and walked away, I wasn't going to go off with him and risk my relationship with my parents. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through." I gave them my heartfelt apology before walking away before they could say anything.

-Two weeks later-

"Jas you're going to be late, hurry up!" My mom yelled to me, I didn't want this to be my first day back at school, I knew Kira would be there, and I didn't have the energy to face her after less than a week of telling her I didn't want anything to do with her anymore. I sighed and walked out the house and within the next half hour I was now back at school.

As soon as I walked in the school gates I saw Kira standing in the usual place where she always waits before school starts. I decided now would be a good chance to apologise to her, since this was one of the rare occasions where she was standing on her own. "So you've come back then." She said to me with no emotion showing. "Yeah... My parents are fed up with me so re-enrolled me. I'm really sorry about the other day, I didn't mean what I said, I was just scared and upset." I told her. She smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay, I get it. I mean I was kind of pissed that you just left me alone in a place I didn't even know. Iero had to give me a lift back home. Imagine me and him spending three hours in uncomfortable small talk. The things I do for you!" She joked, I chuckled slightly.

"How was he after I left?" I asked her hesitantly. She stared at me with a confused look..

"You don't know??" She asked me. "Iero came back!" She told me, sounding almost excited. "After the tour he made an announcement that he couldn't go back to his roots so he's back living and working here full time."

"W-where is h-he?!" I asked her, trying to hold back my tears. There's something that no one has found out yet and it's half the reason I flipped when I saw Frank again. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it..

She told me he'd probably be in his classroom. Here goes nothing.

I slowly walked up the stairs of the maths department where Franks classroom was. I didn't know how I was going to tell him or how he'd react. But he had to know. I walked round the corner and there he was, he had got a haircut and looked the exact same as when we first knew each other. I decided this had to be done now. "Sir, can I come in?" I hesitated. His head shot up and his eyes widened when he looked at me, he stood up and ushered me into the classroom, he walked over to the door and closed it after me. "Oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again, I thought I had lost you forever." He said, wrapping his arms around my neck in a warm embrace. I clung onto him for a couple of seconds, taking in his scent. It felt like home. No more than 3 seconds later I pushed him away slightly.

"Frank, I don't want to be with you. You're no good for me. But at least you were brutally honest with me every time we spoke so I need to be honest with you. You're no good for me, in fact I can barely stand the sight of you, for what you've done you make me physically sick to just look at you. But I need to tell you something quite important." I told him. I sat on a desk and he slowly walked over to his desk and sat down on the table as I spoke. "Jasmine, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, but you don't need to say it, I know I'm shitty but you really don't need to go there..." He told me.

I paused thinking of how to tell him... "Frank just promise me one thing, you can't run away and you can't pretend to be over the moon about it, okay? I understand if you hate me, but I can't do anything about it now." I told him, he carried on looking calm and intrigued. "Frank..." I hesitated. "I'm pregnant."

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