Chapter 25: £10,000

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"Babe, wake up you'll be late." Frank said to me getting out of bed, gently slapping my thigh to wake me up. I groaned and curled up over on his side of the bed. "Jas, you know I'm easy on you but it's your final exam today, then you have a maths class and it's over. No more class forever!" He told me, trying to sound enthusiastic. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. He hugged me and kissed my cheek before getting into the shower. "You can join me if you want." He yelled back at me. I laughed to myself and walked downstairs to make breakfast for the two of us.

Ten minutes later, as I was pouring Franks coffee, he came walking down wearing smart trousers and shoes, top half naked, towel drying his hair. "Goddamn, there's my baby mama. Looking fine as ever." He smiled and walked up to me, kissing my cheek. He had shaved his facial hair off, making him even more attractive. "Shut up and eat" I smiled at him. We then spent the next half hour eating and getting ready. In no time we were off to school, driving together. He let me out round the corner, making sure no one was walking past. He knows I'm in love with him... Does he love me? Why hasn't he said it back yet? I decided to brush it away from my memory, I didn't need to think about that right now. I needed to think about the exam I had this morning. My final exam. And then a whole hour with my Frank, shame it's with the rest of the class too...

-Time Skip-

I was walking to maths class as Kira jumped up behind me, grabbing a hold of my shoulders. Kira. Just the person I wanted to see. I pulled her into the toilets and stood against the wall. "Kira I need to tell you something." I said with a serious look. "I know, I know. You're pregnant!" She laughed. What?! Did Frank tell her?! "How did you find out?!" I rushed. Her face immediately changed to a serious glare. "I was just fucking around. You're actually pregnant?! Who's is it?!" She grabbed a hold of my arms, as if to comfort me. I let out a small laugh. "Who's do you think it is..." I trailed off. Her serious face had now turned to one of anger. "That bastard. That fucking asshole." And with that, she stormed off.

I ran after her, trying to pull at her arm. Shit. She was heading for our maths room. She stormed up the stairs and swung the door open. "Hey cunt face. Impregnated anymore teenagers recently?" I felt my face flush red, luckily there was only him in the room. I couldn't even imagine how much trouble he'd get into otherwise. "Okay, I'm guessing Jas told you." He said standing up. He ushered us into the room and closed the door after us. Kira sat down in a huff on top of the desk. I sat next to her and began to cry. Please dear God don't let her ruin Franks career. "Did Jasmine not tell you it was good news?" He asked her. She shook her head. "You give me one good reason I shouldn't go to the headmaster, or even the police!" She screamed in his face.

"Okay Kira, Ill make you a deal. I'm in love with Jasmine. And I know you believe me because why else would you take her hundreds of miles away to come see me live. I will give you a large amount of money if you keep this between us. Her parents know, and of course they disapprove but they haven't taken any legal action. I will give you £10,000 in order to keep this a secret." She let out another huff. "As if you've got that kind of money, Iero." She said back to him. Was he really willing to give her that amount of money to be able to stay with me. "I'm a very wealthy man, Kira. A simple £1,000 is loose change to me. I made a living from being in one of the most famous alternative bands the world has ever seen. I am loved and adored by literally millions of people all over the world. My name is very well known all over the world, at a price of £10,000 to pay for making Jasmine happy, keeping her and the baby healthy. I'd die before I saw Jasmine go through any sort of trouble." He told her, he stared into her eyes the entire time, inching closer to her with every word. It's almost the look he gave me the very first time we met. It was odd, but I liked it.

Kira pushed him away and stood at the door. "Fine, Iero. But I am fucking watching you. The second I hear about you fucking her off or hurting her, yet again, it'll be your last day as a free man, I'll fucking have police collect you from the school and throw away the goddamn key. Jasmine, come with me." Damn, I've never seen her so bossy, so protective. I gave Frank a final look and walked out of the classroom, following Kira. "Jas, I'm really sorry for going mad in there, He's just hurt you too many times for me to believe this bull-" before she finished I wrapped my arms round her and thanked her for supporting me. "Kira, please be the Godmother?" I asked hesitantly, if she was willing to stand up for me that much, I couldn't think of anyone better to be the second mother to my baby. She immediately agreed to my question and pulled me into another hug. Your first duty is to help me, I need to talk to my parents again... I really don't want to go on my own and I can't take Frank. Please come with me?" I begged. She agreed and within the next five minutes we were walking out the school gates and walking to my house, if anything they had to let me get my stuff. But they're my parents! They couldn't be so heartless to kick me out. Could they?

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