Chapter 23: New start

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After Jamia left the shop, I left soon after. I began to walk to school. I continued to walk in silence, just thinking about all the things going on in my life at this time. I had so many dreams, so many aspirations. Admittedly due to the bad side of me, something on that list was to sleep with a rockstar, which I have now regrettably done. I just never wanted it to be done like this, with him.

As I approached the school gates I pulled out my timetable to see what lesson I should be in. Respite. Great, a whole hour of nothing. I walked in and saw the usual councillor sitting at the desk. "Ah, Jasmine. You're 10 minutes late, you okay?" He asked me. I simply nodded and smiled politely. In the next minute or so he came over and sat next to me. "Did you want to use this time to talk to me about anything?" He asked me. I just shook my head as he let out a sigh. "I hope you don't mind. Mr Iero told me about your pregnancy. Would you like to talk about that?" He asked.

My eyes shot open wide and a thousand thoughts ran through my head. Does he know Frank is the Father? Does he know what's actually been going on? I felt my eyes flood with tears, I couldn't even hide it. I don't care if anyone knew anymore. I needed Frank, my Frank to be holding me right now. I don't care who found out about whatever it is we had, I just want it back. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. "Hey. Those files for you." Frank burst into the room and put some papers on the desk. He turned to face the counsellor and saw me sitting with him, crying. "Mr Iero, I told her what you told me, I hope that's okay. I thought she could do with knowing she had someone to talk to about it." Frank stood there looking very uncomfortable. "Jasmine, I'm sorry. It was a lot to take on for me, I trust him. I know he won't tell anyone else, please forgive me." He told me, he looked so genuine. I picked up my bag and walked out the room, hoping Frank would follow me. Much to my surprise, he did. He came running after me, grabbing a hold of my arm and pushing me gently against a locker. "Jas, please forgive me, I had no idea what I was going to do. I was in trouble, I didn't know if you were going to tell the police or get me in trouble or what! He doesn't know I'm the father, I just needed someone to talk to. You're all I can think about. No one else in this world is as perfect as you are. Please come back to me, come home. We'll start a new life together. I meant every word I've ever said to you. I'm in love with you." His face was an inch away from mine and I could see how much he cared. Maybe this was love. Maybe Jamia meant that he would change for the better. I could hope?

"Frank... I spoke to Jamia this morning. I know you have kids already. Fucking three of them! Why wouldn't you tell me that. I see through you, I know what you are. I know you're fucking terrified of commitment to this baby. You're a grown ass man in your thirties. Own up to your goddamn responsibilities and accept that you have children that need you. You can't run forever Iero. Goddamnit I'm in love with you and I need you to help me with this baby. I can't go through with this on my own." By this point he had backed away from me. "So tell me. What came first, the marriage or the baby." As if he had ignored all my previous comment, he mumbled out "the baby." Great. Something to add to the list of things that will happen in my life, marrying Frank Iero out of pure desperation. Why else would anyone marry him? You can't really marry someone for their looks, right? I felt myself tearing up, I pushed him away from me and walked away.

"Jasmine wait! ... This changes nothing. I'm still going to be here for you whether you want me here or not." He shouted after me. That man that I bumped into almost a whole year ago, with his big brown eyes and scruffy hair. That man has almost ruined my life. But surely the fact that he wanted to fix his problems between us proved something. I walked to my next class, English. I didn't pay any attention throughout that lesson. I decided to write a list of all the positive points of spending my life with Frank:

1) Definite home for the rest of my life
2) I'd never have to worry about money
3) My child would know their Father
4) Amazing sex (gotta give him credit)
5) I finally get a ---

"Jasmine. This is a reading lesson. Would you care to tell us all what you're so eagerly writing there." The teacher said to me. Every eye in the room was on me. "Nothing sir, just notes from the book. You never know when you're going to pull a surprise exam out!" I tried to joke. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door and in came Frank. "I'm here to collect Miss Cross. Her mother has come to get her." He told the teacher. He looked at me as if to tell me he was lying. I quickly gathered up my stuff, shoving it in my bag and left, walking swiftly behind Frank. "My mom isn't really here, right?" I asked hesitantly. He just shook his head, not looking at me. "Frank I want to apologise for earlier. I was out of line. I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. You had no reason to tell me about your past and I had no business being mad because of it, I'm sorry." I told him, walking down the stairs with him to the first floor. He stayed silent. "What's the plan from here?" I asked.
"Well, Wednesdays I finish early anyway, and teachers now think your mother has come to get you, I could take you somewhere? I'm guessing you want to go anywhere but with me, but it's just a friendly offer." I could hear the sadness in his voice. "Frank, can you take me home?" I started. "Our home." He smiled as we began to drive off together. Maybe this will finally work out...

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