Chapter 20: The next steps

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He stared at me with a blank expression on his face. "Frank, please say something... Anything!" I pleaded, I couldn't stand the silence. Just as he looked like he was about to talk the bell rang to signify first period, which lucky for me was maths... He told me to go sit down in my old seat next to Kira. Eventually everyone had piled into the classroom and Frank began to teach one of our final lessons of the year. I sat in silence the whole lesson and tried my hardest to concentrate on the work. "Sir, can I talk to you about the lesson please?" I asked as the bell went to signify the end of the lesson. "Of course Jasmine, stay seated." I stayed in my place and waited for everyone to file out of the classroom. "Do you want me to wait for you?" Kira whispered. I shook my head and smiled at her. I decided we really needed to talk but I couldn't allow Frank to be the one to tell me to stay behind again. He seemed to get the point of me staying behind as well. We both sat in silence for a while, I didn't want to be the first one to speak up.

"So you're sure it's mine?" He asked, I simply nodded whilst carrying on to look at the desk. "How far gone are you?" He carried on asking questions for the next few minutes.

"Five months. I know, it doesn't show a lot does it." I said rhetorically.

Frank started to stare at his hands, unsure of what to say next. "I'm not lying, you know?" I told him. His head snapped up to me. "I can tell you're thinking it." I folded my arms stubbornly, staring back at him. "Jasmine, that's not what I was thinking at all. I was thinking how the hell are we going to have a baby, we can barely be in the same room without fighting or ripping each others clothes off." He argued back. I felt myself blushing at his words. That's how it always was with Frank, we either hated each other or couldn't keep our hands off each other, I preferred the latter, obviously.

"Does anyone else know?"


"Not even your parents?" He asked, I laughed a bit at his ridiculous suggestion.

"If they found out that my teacher got me pregnant you wouldn't live another week." He smiled a little at my comment. "So. Where does this leave us?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders, I didn't want to be the one to back him into a corner. "I want to be there for you. I want to support you, I'm sorry you've had to face the first five months alone, but I'm here now and I'd never let anything sacrifice what we have together. Jasmine, please let me come home with you today?" I was taken back my what he said. "I need to meet your parents again. We can tell them together." I smiled at what he was saying, it felt like he was finally getting serious about us, maybe this is what we needed all along...

-A few hours later-

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him as we approached my driveway. He took ahold of my hand and began to lead the way up my driveway. He rang the doorbell and we stood waiting for one of my parents to answer the door. After a few seconds, my father answered the door, I tightened my grasp on Franks hand as my fathers eye widened at what he was seeing. "Jasmine. We spoke about this, you're not coming in if this is what we have to put up with." My father went to slam the door but Frank put his arm out to keep the door open. "Sir, all I ask is that you give us both a chance to explain, I don't think it's a lot to ask for your daughters happiness." My father let out a sigh and allowed us in. We walked into the living room and sat down. "Whatever you have to say, say it and then both of you, get the hell out of here." Frank let out a large sigh and began talking. "It's true, I let your daughter down uncountable times and I can never apologise enough to all of you for doing that. But this girl is the only girl I have loved in a very, very long time. And I know were going to be together for a long time."

"Oh yeah, how can you say that?" My Father asked him sarcastically.

"Dad..." I spoke up. "I'm pregnant, with Franks baby. I have been for five months." I told him, his eyes widened and he jumped out of his seat, I flinched back as Frank also stood up to confront him. All I want is a life with my Frank...

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