Chapter 21: Awkward...

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"If you don't leave my house right this minute I'll have to call the police and have you both arrested. Jasmine you're eighteen years old and I thought we raised you better than this! GET OUT. NOW." My Dad screamed at us. I yanked at Franks hand and quickly walked through the living room door and out the front door, I couldn't let my Dad see how upset I am. "Hey! I could've stood up to him then you know!" Frank said angrily towards me. I carried on walking and let go of his hand, I doubt holding hands was something he was into anyway.

"Frank this was a bad idea. I don't know why you talked me into this!" As I started yelling, he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms round me. "Jasmine..." He started. "I knew you were pregnant." My eyes widened as I pulled away from him. "H-how?" I asked, hushing my voice. He went on to tell me how he's known since before he went away and before I was taken out of school. "I can't lie to you, If you didn't tell me I would have carried on like I knew nothing. I don't want a kid, I can barely get myself together, let alone look after a child. But for you, Jasmine, I'd do it for the rest of my life if it meant you being mine." I felt tears starting to run down my face, he looked so genuine, I could see tears in his eyes, but I didn't believe him one bit. "I don't want your fake ass lies, Iero. I just wanted you to be different to everyone else, but not like this. I fell in love with you but we can never happen. I never thought I'd allow myself to disappoint my parents this badly." I cried.


After another hour of crying to Frank and 10,000 change of hearts, he convinced me to go home with him, at least he won't let me be homeless. As soon as we walked in I felt an immediate flood of regret and betrayal hit me. This is the first place I ever met Frank outside of school, this is the first time he messed me about by sending me away but still giving me his number. I have so many bad memories with Frank, and being in this house just brings them all back. I stood standing in the door way, my arms folded just above my stomach. "Please, come in and sit down." Frank told me, directing me into the living room. I followed him in and sat down, staring at the floor. "You can sleep in my bed, you can stay here as long as you need to, or as long as you want." He told me. "Don't worry, I'll sleep down here. I know better than to try and jump into bed with you." He told me, giggling slightly at the thought.

"Actually, I don't think I'd mind that right now." I told him. In return I got an odd look back. "Meaningless sex seems to be the base of our ... Relationship." I had to tread carefully with the words I used, I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I'm still mad at him for everything. "It was never meaningless sex, Jasmine. You know that." He replied stubbornly.

"Oh really? Then what was it, Frank? Are you telling me that we didn't just fuck? That we made love? Do you expect me to believe that?" I questioned. He stayed silent. "I thought so, Iero."

After twenty minutes of awkward silence and half conversations, Frank decided he was tired. I started to head upstairs straightaway, "Hey, you don't have to go up now it's only 9:30pm, you can stay down here for a while if you like, I don't have a TV in my room anymore so you might get kinda bored." I sighed and carried on upstairs. Wow this is going to be a long process.


It was 11pm. I couldn't sleep, my head was all over the place. I was lying in Franks bed while he was sleeping downstairs. I craved having him here next to me. I headed out of the room and down the stairs for a glass of water. I found Frank in the kitchen, doing the same. "You okay?" He asked. I ignored him, opening the cupboard to pull a glass out. "Jasmine what else can I do? You're staying in my house I can't exactly keep out of the way. Can't you see I'm trying? I'm desperately trying to be the man you deserve, my love." He told me, he put his arm round my back and rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt a tear sting my eye and run down my cheek.

"There's nothing you can do, Frank I can't be hurt by you again. Not now, not in the situation I'm in. I need you to be patient with me. Please." I told him. He wrapped his strong arms round me. "I understand. Until you're ready to talk, I'll do my best to keep out of your way." He told me, letting go of me and walking away.

I felt my body follow him slightly as he pulled away. I so desperately wanted us to be together, deep down I know he wanted it too. But it just wouldn't work with the situation we're in. It's all too rushed. "Frank?" I called after him. He turned round to face me. "Maybe we can watch a movie together?" I hesitated. He smiled and held his hand out for me to take, guiding me into the living room. We sat less than an arms width apart.

We sat for 2 hours watching the movie, in silence. At the end of it I told him I was heading up to bed. He gave me a light smile and I left. Back to the empty bed.

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