Chapter 18: I need you to know...

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"Okay guys!" A man with a clipboard stepped outside the venue and out to where we were all queuing. "There has been a slight change of plan, we're sorry to inform you but the VIP has been moved to after the show due to soundcheck running over. Refunds are available to the people who can't stay after the show. Thanks guys!" He walked down the queue, asking people to come to the front if they had VIP. We walked in and were front and centre of the barrier, in a couple of minutes, Frank would be standing in front of me. There were no support bands, just FrnkIero and the celebration, this was going to be an interesting night... "Kira, I'm not sure I'm ready for this. It's been months, I can't see him now! What if he freaks?! And I never hear of him again?" I panicked.
"Jasmine! Listen to me, that man loves you, I haven't been dragged three hours away to watch my fucking math teacher perform at the possibility of you being turned away!"
"What do you mean? You bought the tickets, I didn't force you to go! You're making me do this why would you blame it on me now?!" She took a deep breath and shook her head. "Jas, I wasn't talking about you, I've been in touch with Iero's band mates, they sent me the train tickets, the concert tickets and the VIP." She told me. "So Frank knows I'm here?!" I asked, starting to panick.

"No. As far as I know, Iero has no clue you're here. And thats how it's going to stay." My breathing started to speed up as the lights grew dim, the background music began to silence and men with guitars walked out on stage. "Kira I can't do this-" I was stopped just before I finished by a harsh voice, booming through a mic. "If we waited, it may be too late..." A voice spoke through the speakers. My heart dropped to my stomach the second I heard it. It was Frank. My Frank.

In the next five seconds he had come out on stage and was jumping round like a maniac, I recognised this song as one of my favourites. Through the adrenaline running through my body and the volume of the speakers, I couldn't see anyone else but him, he was the only one I wanted to see. Over the next hour and a half I watched Frank perform with his band. This is a side I've never seen of Frank, he looked happy, more than he ever had in school.

"Now if it's okay with you guys, I'd like to slow it down a bit. This songs called 'She's the prettiest girl at the party and she can prove it with a solid right hook' and tonight I'm singing it for someone who means the world to me, but circumstances meant that I couldn't be with her. I haven't treated her the way I should've and that's something I will never be able to forgive myself for. I'm a coward for not going after her, but some things are better left broken... I love you, Miss Cross." He spoke, beginning to play his guitar. I felt everyone around me disappear. Nothing else in my life could be as important as this moment. He loves me...


"Guys if you could all get in one line!" Security yelled as he ushered us to form one single line. I stood staring at the floor, Kira next to me. "Are you sure he doesn't know?" I asked Kira for the 100th time. "I'm absolutely positive. Look." She showed me a text from an unsaved number.

K - Did you know he was going to say that shit?!

"No, but he doesn't know she's here."

She put her phone away and I went back to staring at the floor, I didn't know what to do... I think I secretly liked the idea of Frank turning me away, it made me realise that he wasn't real... So maybe the pain wasn't either.

All of a sudden I heard violent screams echo through the small room, I look up and there he was. The man I love was finally standing in front of me again. And he still loved me.

There was about ten people in front of us to meet Frank first, three of which were too nervous and moved to the back of the queue. After five minutes, we were up next. I made Kira go in front of me, I needed to see how he reacted to her being there. "Hey darlin' how are you?" I heard him say to Kira, not yet looking up. She cleared her throat, loud enough for him to hear and his head came shooting up. "Mr Iero, I didn't know you cared like that." She joked.

"Kira... W-what are you doing here?" He said, attempting to look behind her. "Well, someone had to make things right." Se said to him stubbornly. "W-what are you talking about?" At that moment Kira stepped to the side and Frank shot out of his seat as he saw me. "Jas..." He whispered, he had a shocked yet loving look on his face. "Frank, I-" I began. Before I could say anything he leapt over the table and grabbed a hold of my shoulders, pulling me into him and hugging him. "Jasmine, I can't believe you're here. I'm so so sorry." He whispered to me. By now you could hear fans behind us whispering and talking shit about me. That didn't bother Frank though, he pulled away slightly and gently cupped my face with one hand. In an instant he kissed me. It was one of the best kisses I'd ever had, it was definitely the best kiss I had ever shared with Frank, but for some reason, I couldn't wait for it to be over. I pushed him off and slapped him, hard. "I guess I deserved that." He whispered. By now everyone had their phones out, recording what was happening and taking pictures. "Start fucking talking!" I yelled at him, tears stinging my eyes. Frank looked around at all the fans staring at him. "Jas, I'll explain everything, can we please just go back to the bus?" He asked in a hushed tone. I stood my ground, shaking my head at him, trying to hold back the tears. "No. No, Frank. You don't deserve that from me. You fucking left me, after using me, then saying you loved me. And the first time I hear anything about you missing me is through an interview?! No, Frank. I want everyone here to know how you treated me." I choked out. He let out a loud sigh and looked round to everyone in the room. "I couldn't stay in that school. Not without you being there, making a comeback seemed like the only way to get away without being questioned. Without you the Celebration wouldn't even exist. I've dated a lot of girls, and slept with even more. But none of them have or will ever compare to you. I can never right my wrongs, but goddamnit I'll try if it means you not hating me. I wanted to come back to you, I just couldn't handle the rejection. And from the bottom of my heart, I promise you that I have never been so sorry about anything in my life. If you can find it within yourself to forgive me, then not only would you be stupid, but you would have all the love I could ever possibly give to a person." His eyes were tear filled and apologetic. "You hurt me. You kept hurting me." I told him as I cried. I've never looked at him like this. I thought he was exactly what I needed. But looking at him now, he's everything I've always hated.

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