Chapter Three "Alpha"

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I wake up, shivering due to the coldness as the snow comes down harder. It's early morning so I decide its alright to get up, not like I was going to get much sleep anyways with that coldness out here. I walk around for a while, gaining my warmth as I do so.

For what feels like hours, I walk, crossing many weak pack's borders. I had just crossed into another set of woods before I hear talking, and a scent that is familiar fills my nose. The smell of rogues.

"We aren't going to live much longer like this.. Rogues out in the human world are giving up. They're losing strength, only gaining so much money for meals. We need to create a large rogue pack.. but we need a leader. A strong one at that," a woman says in a deeper voice.

"I smell another rogue, but it's powerful." A man says, his voice very deep as he looks around.

I step out from behind the large tree, a twig snapping. I take half a step and their eyes are already on me.

"A warrior," the woman says softly, barely a whisper as they both kneel. I nod my head at them, telling them to get up. They shouldn't kneel for me, I'm not an Alpha or anything.

"What an honor," she says happily, walking towards me. To which I let her, noticing how no defiance of rebellion is in her eyes but just a welcoming type of emotion. As for the man, it's the same thing in his eyes.

They look like mates. The woman very short around 5', blonde hair, lavender eyes. The male is around 6'6", brown hair, and grey eyes. He looks at her with love and both have been marked.

"Thank you," I reply with a small smile, respecting them for how they act around me.

"When did you become rogue? If I may ask," she says lowering her head as you do not ask a rogue why or when they became a rogue. It is not respectful, it's an unspoken rule. But I do not mind telling them, they seem trustworthy.

"Can we walk while I tell you? Also is there anywhere I can stay for a while? I'm new to this whole rogue thing," I say softly and they both nod, grabbing my arms gently as they do so.

"We have a rogue house for those who want to be in a pack or can't live in the human world, you may stay there." The man says and the woman nods with a smile.

"Names?" I ask them, walking north towards wherever this 'rogue house' is.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry for being so rude! I'm Lilly and this is my husband Jackson," she says with a smile.

"Paris," I reply curtly.

"Paris Evans?" She asks, leaving me completely shocked as I raise my head to her eyesight.

"Yes, how did you know?" I ask her and she smiles softly, pulling me into her side as a sort of hugging way.

"Sweetie, you're known to everyone. Warrior at the age of twelve. Young.. so young.." Jackson says, as I see a huge, beautiful glass house. The windows are the only walls except of course for the roof.

"Yes, I nearly forgot to tell you how I became rogue. I became rogue yesterday for defying Alpha Lukas-" I start, chuckling a little when Lilly mutters 'pervert' at the sound of his name. "I had let a rogue free. I didn't see a problem because all he did was cross our land, but he didn't even know he had. I believe in a strong justice system, so I let him free. Only to learn that Alpha Lukas had hunted him down and killed him." I tell them the story, leaving out the part about those men in the woods.

"Wow.. what a douche," Lilly says to which Jackson nods his head quickly to agree with her as I laugh lightly at them. What a perfect couple they are.

"Yes, anyways. You said leader? Don't you have a leader of your rogue pack?" I ask them to which they shake their heads, looking at each other like they know something I don't. Which I bet they probably do.

"What?" I ask them to which they look up at me with big grins.

"You could be our leader. You'd become famous, you'd become an Alpha." Lilly says excitedly. I smile down at her, my 5'9" easily towering over her.

"I'd definitely train them, get them ready for attacks. I also overheard about the rogues that can't live in the city, their population going down. I could defiantly offer them jobs here, make them strong. I'd build lines and gates, huge walls. We'd become the strongest pack known. I'll make sure of it," I say strongly. Lilly smiles at Jackson, a knowing smile.

"Well, they'll defiantly love you," he says before pushing me into the beautiful glass pack house. Once I step foot in, everyone stops and stares at me.

"A warrior.." A little girl whispers, looking at me with knowing eyes. She's around eight, her blue orbs staring into mine.

"We found our leader," Lilly and James say at the same time, standing their ground, daring anyone to speak. No one speaks, but they do cheer.

"How? When? Where? She's a warrior.. a rogue? She's our Alpha.." A woman says running up to me and hugging me. I tense up at the contact, feeling my trainer from my old pack talk in my mind 'contact with others will lead you to care, caring makes you weak, weak makes you powerless, powerless makes you nothing.'

For hearing that, I let her hug me because I'm not with that pack anymore, they turn me rogue, I'll rebel.

The next time that pack sees me, Alpha Lukas sees me, I'll be the leader of the Rogue Pack.

The Alpha of The Rogue Pack.

And their going to be wishing that they hadn't of made me rogue.

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