Chapter Twelve "For saving me."

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^Alpha Paris^

"Lance! Come on hun! We need to go eat," I call out. I hear footsteps running down the stairs before Lance stands there in Nike joggers, and a Nike sweatshirt. I pick him up before carrying him out of the house to the pack house to eat.

"Alpha Paris," People greet with smiles.

"Hello, anyone know where Lilly is?" I ask lightly, attempting at a conversation with my pack.

"Oh my goodness! Paris!" Lilly says, running out of the kitchen with a big grin, and the most impossible thing happened. It got wider when she seen Lance on my hip. I didn't know she could grin that wide.. she looks like those creepy animals that get hit on the road and are called 'grinners', some understand, some don't. (Look it up people)

"Hey Lilly!" I say, I go to hug her but she takes Lance out of my arms and hugs him instead.

"Who is this cutie?" She squeals, acting like a fangirl.

"I adopted him, this is Lance... my legal son," I say happily. Lance grins at me, his teeth showing widely.

"Awe! You're so cute," she gushes and before I know it, the whole pack is around him. The attention is fully on him and its truly adorable.

One day, he'll be a great Alpha.


"-and he fell right from the tree, turning into wolf form as he did so! Yet he still couldn't land on his feet!" A pack member jokes making everyone laugh. I look down at Lance as he eats his ice cream, even though its mostly all over his face and not in his mouth.

"Alpha, somebody is trying to get past the wall," a security guard whispers in my ear. I stand up abruptly, making the whole room silence when they see my serious face.

"Lilly, take Lance to the safe house with you. Everyone go there now." I state authoritatively, leaving no room for argument as I leave the house quickly, grabbing my sword on the way.

I don't use a gun, or knives. I use swords. It's simple, clean, and fun to cut things with.

"Did you acknowledge the idea of it being an animal?" I ask to the security guard.

"Yes, it is an animal Alpha. But not your everyday animal, it's a wolf. A werewolf," he says making me look at him as my eyes widen slightly.

I drop my sword, turning into my wolf form as I picture my wolf, the sounds of my bones breaking makes the security guard flinch and before he can even blink, I stand with glowing blue eyes in the night, my brilliant fur flowing softly with the wind.

"Alpha? Um.. it's right up here." He says slightly scared that I might lash out on him. I walk happily, loving the effect I have on people.

"It's right through-" he stops as the sound of growls and whimpers can be heard from the other side of the wall. I sniff the air quietly, smelling a pack from the other side. I move so I am directly in front of the stone wall, putting my ear to it to get a better hearing.

I hear someone howl right on the other side where my ear is and I whimper, pawing at my ear furiously as the pain intensifies.

Somebody grabs some extra clothes, handing them to me as they turn their backs and I change, glaring at the wall.

"Shoot at the fuckers." I growl furiously before walking away as the sounds of gunshots can be heard.


"You're safe!" Lilly says happily as I allow them out of the safe house, the gun shots now inaudible.

"Of course I am." I say with a slight smile that turns into a toothy grin as Lance runs up at me, throwing his arms around my neck and holding onto me while I pick him up. I rock us back and forth on my heels then tippy toes.

"I was so worried! We heard gunshots.. I mean it was probably from a video game," Lilly says with a wink as Lance listens closely.

I roll my eyes, a small smile on my face. "You want to go home sweetheart?" I ask Lance and he nods his head quickly, tightening his grip on me as I start to carry him back to the house.

"Tell Jackson that I said his cake was absolutely amazing. He truly is a wonderful chef," I say to which Lilly smiles at.

"Will do Alpha Paris," she says with a grin at my 'authoritative' name.

"Such a strange woman," I mutter, a grin on my face. Lance's hold on me loosens as he starts to fall asleep, his breathing steady.

"Sleep tight baby boy, don't let the bed bugs bite." I say in a hushed whisper, kissing his forehead as I open the door and make my way upstairs. I lay him down in my bed before getting in after my shower and changing.

"Paris?" He whispers. I look down at him surprised, I thought he was sleeping.

"Yes Lance?" I whisper back, pushing his curls away from his face.

"I want to thank you." He whispers back, moving closer to my warm body. I wrap an arm around him, protecting him from anything that could ever hurt him. I will always be there for him, always. Thats a promise I will keep.

"For what Lance?" I reply, his head laying on my chest as he snuggles into me. I shut my eyes, holding him so close that I'm surprised he isn't squirming.

Truth is, he's something that I know I can protect, that I can learn to love with all my heart, someone that I can teach what I know, and someone I can take care of. He truly is an angel, one that has already lit up my darkness and he's only been here for one day. Imagine a year from now, what will I act like? Will I even be the same?

"For saving me."

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