Chapter Four "Find your weaknesses"

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I watch as my blood drips into the large glass, declaring me as Alpha. My newly found pack grins, cheering me as a black, diamond necklace is laced around my neck, declaring me a rogue leader, declaring me as Alpha Paris May Evans, the first leader of the ever rogue pack in the history.

I walk down the isle of the large celebratory room, my black, leather jacket hanging tightly to my body as I'm dressed in all black. No color to see other than my blue orbs, and brown hair.

"Alpha, you have many papers to work on," a young girl who's name is Anna calls upon me. I turn my head to look at her, my eyes easily making her fear me.

"Where is my office to work on them Anna?" I ask her politely, gaining the respect of many.

"I will show you my Alpha," she says, extending her pale hand that I touch lightly as she pulls (not hard, just enough for me to follow) through many hallways of my newly built Alpha house, many of the pack already creating civilization and becoming stronger as I had lead them to power over the two weeks that have passed.

"Here's your office. Your room is top floor," she says politely with a small smile.

"Thank you Anna," I say with a nod and smile before opening the door an looking into the office that is now mine. Dark blue walls, wooden flooring, a large mahogany desk laying by the window with files already laying atop ready for its new Alpha to work her way through them.

My office door shuts, telling me Anna has left as I move towards the desk, looking out of the all windowed wall that overlooks the woods that are covered in a foot of snow.

I bring my gaze back down at the piles of files waiting to be wrote on. I sigh, opening the first to read in bold print letters.

Starving over one hundred rogues in one week, no food. No home. Staying in apartment 502 in city, help now.

I sign on my calendar to head to the city first thing tomorrow morning before starting to work on the other files, working until training time from 7 pm-12 am.


"Put your back into it!" I scream at the rogue who fails to carry three full-sized werewolves on his back. I glare as he pushes them off, breathing hard.

"It's impossible Alpha, I can't do it." He says looking down at his fourteen year old hands.

"Nothing's impossible Dustin. One day, you will come upon a time that you will need your strength. Will you be able to defend two full grown werewolves if you can't even carry three?" I ask him softly to which he shakes his head slightly, looking up at me with his hazel eyes.

"I want you to be able to trust me." I say softly gaining a nod from him, his eyes showing full respect. "I want you to be able to fight off a whole pack if you needed too. I will help you, but I can't help you if you don't believe in yourself. You have to push yourself to your limits, and boy.. you are stronger than anyone in this room. Push yourself Dustin." I say softly, encouraging him as I stand back and watch one wolf then two and three get back on his back, before carrying them on his back with a knee crawl to the end of the inside warehouse gym.

"See you can do it!" I yell happily, moving towards Anna who tries to fight off another girl, but fails badly.

"Grab a sword," I say to Anna, getting in fighting stance. She does as I say, looking at me fearfully.

"Now what?" She asks me, completely dumbfounded.

"Fight me." I state before slicing my sword in the air quickly for her to barely shield herself, but she does. I smirk as she looks over at the girl she was just fighting against and smiles, forgetting I'm here. I kick my leg for her to fall on her knees, shocked by how fast I can move.

"Never, not even for a second become distracted in a fight," I say before helping her up and dropping my sword as she does, rounding my hands into fists.

"Never punch first," I say just as she does, my hand catching hers and flipping her so she lands hard on the mat.

"Watch for the others weaknesses," I state, as she watches me intently, still on the ground.

"You have no weaknesses though Alpha," she says softly.

"I have many, if you can read me, you can win this fight. You have a minute before you get knocked out," I say, counting down the seconds as she tries to read me.

She stands up, trying to hit me again but I catch her arm, twisting it before she screams in pain.

"Never. Do. That. Again." I say calmly. One second.. none. "I win," I say happily, pressing on her neck as she falls asleep.

"Get her aspirin and put ice on her arm." I state sharply before standing up and walking out of the training room.

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