Chapter Thirty-Six "Mate?"

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I stare at her in disbelief. Did she really just say that I've been hunting for her? I look down, contemplating on what I should say to her. I mean.. should I even say anything back? If I do, she'll probably just think I'm stalling but if I don't.. she'll believe fully what she just said is true. When it's false, I've been hunting for the girl I love, not a beast. But, should I really tell her that?

"What? Wolf got your tongue?" She asks amused, a smirk still on her angelic face.

I want to speak back, but she's right. In a way, my wolf is holding me back. I want to speak but I might regret what I say. Trust me, I don't want to make her more angry at me than what she already is.

"I'm guessing I'm right Mr. Alpha, what's your name anyways? Oh yeah, it's Xavier.. right?" She watches me with curiosity.

"You don't know your mates name?" The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. I watch as her eyes move to wall behind me, turning blank as she stares at it like its going to move, or do something. Maybe she wishes it would, so she could leave.

"Your name is Xavier, correct?" I nod, but she's still not paying attention to me. "I believe that you want me dead so I do not think we are mates." Her eyes lower to the ground.

"I don't want you dead." She glares at me, running forward towards me and once her fingertips can touch me, the chains yank her body back till she smashes into the wall, the chains making a sizzling noise that notifies me that the poison on them is making her skin burn.

"Darling, running at me isn't going to help your situation." I laugh lightly, knowing how stupid of a move that was.

"Yeah? Well standing there like a damn baby and having your enemy chained up to a wall doesn't help much either. It makes you look weak because you're too much of a sissy to fight me head on." She glares at me intently making my wolf cry but I keep emotionless.

I can't let her know how much her words wound me.

"I can't trust you Paris. If you're brainwashed as strong as you were as an alpha.. well we'll have lots of trouble." I say bitterly.

"Don't call me an Alpha." She spits, glaring at me.

"Oh and why not? You were Alpha of the Rogues before this happened," I say, wondering why she doesn't want to be called an alpha. She's always been proud of that title, hasn't she?

"I'm not an Alpha anymore." She says quietly, a small smile on her face.

A smile I've been longing for.

"What are you then?" I ask her softly, walking closer to her, an arms reach away from her body.

"I'm a warrior." With that, her nails turn sharp and she growls, her eyes black as she grabs my arms and put them on her chains.

With an Alpha's touch, the chains unleash.

Her chains fall to the ground as she pushes me, climbing on top as she growls again, canines coming sharp from her mouth.

She looks.. crazy.

She sinks her nails into my skin making me yell as the skin begins to burn. I start to lose consciousness from the pain, but a voice I'll never forget enters the room, and I wonder how he got past security so quickly.

How he got past them at all.


I open my eyes slowly, seeing my body now chained up but I'm sitting in a warm room and I can move around. It's very comfy. I look up at the sound of a door opening to see the one man, I wish I never had to ever see.

A man full of power, Alpha Zane.

"Hello Alpha Xavier, how are you?" He has a big smile on his face as he opens the door, am uncomfortable Paris beside him as his arm is wrapped around her stomach. She looks around awkwardly, not wanting to be near him.

I can sense it.

"I feel like shit. How about you Zane?" I ask with a fake grin. He laughs, pulling her closer making her squirm.

"Great.. don't you just love how Paris looks now?" Paris has a deep cut through her right eyebrow and a large cut between her bottom lip, going through her top. Her eyes are the natural glowing blue but she looks different as she stares at me intently.

She looks curious, confused even.

"She's always been beautiful." I whisper, pain etched through my voice as I look down and remember her laugh and grin when we were together and she was okay.

Paris looks up more at me, cocking her head to the side as realization runs through her eyes, as familiarity runs through them.

She puts a hand to her mark that begins to turn a darker red, signaling that her mate is here. She looks at me again and presses the mark once more, making it turn the color of my eyes.


She looks at her color that now blends beautifully with her olive skin and looks at me with a strange look before staring at Zane.

"Too bad you're not her mate, aye?" He has a smirk on his lips, watching my expression that turns dark.

"Remember when we used to run around as baby pups, and walk to the lake and think about how mates will change our lives one day? How we'll be so happy when we find the right one? Well, I have found the right one." He squeezes his hand on Paris's hip and her eyes go black as she stares at me, emotionlessly.

"Mate." She growls, looking up at Zane, making him smirk while I almost break down right then and there.

"Yes, I know baby. You're my mate." He laughs, squeezing her hip harder but she shakes her head, looking back at me and for a second, I see the real Paris.

Until she changes into wolf.

I feel my body become nervous as Zane smirks, watching Paris walk up to me with her black eyes and rigid body. She gets to me, and Zane claps.

"That's right Paris. Kill him." She looks back at him before me again, and that's when I see her eyes turn glowing blue and she puts her snout to my neck, licking it in a loving way before laying beside me and watching as Zane bursts with anger.

"Mate." I smile, looking down at her as she looks back at me with those eyes that have control.

Eyes that will one day fill with love again.

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