Chapter Five "If we could find her"

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Unknown Pov-

"Alpha sir, we need help. You and I both know it." The older man says, shaking in his seat a little. I look down upon him, my eyes turning black for a second before going back to the original bright evergreen color.

"Yes, I've noticed this. But we don't have anyone." I state the obvious, looking out over the many woods built for my pack to run through.

"I've heard rumors." Alpha Dan says, making me turn my head to him quickly, only seeing honestly in his eyes.

"What type of rumors?" I ask, my curiosity on high as I turn back around, seeing the cities large skyscrapers in the distance.

"There's a girl, a rogue. She was a warrior before she went against her Alpha, letting a rogue go, that's the first sign of rebellion sir. Anyways, he found out and killed the man, when she came back from a 'run' she had blood on her hands, the Alpha seen this and told her he had known she let the man go, to which she agreed with. She slapped him many times, and punched before grabbing her things and becoming rogue." He says softly, watching the slight twinkle of midnight stars shining outside.

"What is so important of this?" I ask him business like, watching something move in the woods at a fast speed before abruptly stopping and doing it again.

"She's a warrior-" He starts, making me snap my head so fast, you'd think I would've gotten whiplash. "She became an Alpha of a large amount of rogues, and in the first month she's already gained over five-hundred, enough to put our pack to shame.." He trails off, thinking about his own pack.

"Anyways, she's already had them built pack houses, no rogues are left in the woods to be killed or anything. She's trained them so hard and I've heard their strong, very strong. They are all fit and she is at the top, the strongest Alpha anyone now knows. But we.. we don't know where she lives. But if we could find her.. we could have our help with our pack, we'd have enough to fight against the 'Blood Pack.'"

"That is.. if we could find her. How strong is she?" I ask, looking upon him once again to see he is no longer fidgeting but looking up at me.

"She's been given the title 'warrior' since she was twelve years of age. She's killed four Alpha's before, and has hurt many. She could have anyone killed in a second.." Alpha Dan trails off, probably thinking about how she kills, before shivering and looking back up at me.

"That's impressive. And she's an Alpha of a rogue pack?" I ask him to which he nods. "What's her name?" I ask once again, looking over out at the woods.

"Paris Evans.. sir," he says quietly.

"Impossible-" I whisper, looking down at my hands where my scar still lays. "No Alpha would ever be stupid enough to rogue her of her title."

"Alpha Lukas has," Alpha Dan says, standing up and turning towards the door, ready to leave.

"You say you don't know where her pack lays?" I ask him before he leaves.

"Nobody does, but they say she does want revenge, and she'll do anything for it." He says looking at me intently.

"She belonged to the Blood Pack, she knows their war tactics, she could help us. I mean, we have a high chance if we can find her."

"I'll have all my spies out sir and will tell you when we find news of her location," Alpha Dan says before opening the door and walking out.

"We'll find you Alpha Paris.. we'll find you."

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