Chapter Eleven "Call me Paris."

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^hahaha you'll see;)^

"Alpha? We have training this morning. Do you want to come or get more sleep?" A little boy asks nervously, shifting in his spot every once in a while. I sit up in my bed, my t-shirt and sweatpants hanging loosely on my body.

"I'll stay, I'll put Lilly in charge." I reply, my head still pounding from when Xavier hit my head on the wall.

"Yes Alpha," he replies before turning around to leave.

"Don't go! Shut the door and come here." I say softly, noticing how nervous he is of me. He nods, shutting the door as I quickly text Lilly before putting my phone on my bedside table, and patting the spot next to me.

"What's your name?" I ask him, putting him on my lap and putting the blanket around his cold body.

"Lance," he whispers, playing with his hands nervously. I look into his bright grey eyes that sparkle in the morning sun the treads through the window. "Alpha Paris, why am I not going to training right now?" He asks nervously.

"Call me Paris, Lance. And it's because I see a brilliant future ahead of you. Would you like me to train you myself?" I ask him. He looks up at me, excitement filling his beautiful eyes.

"You would do that?" He asks with a grin. I nod my head, a small smile appearing on my own face.

"Of course, I see a leader in you. So what about it? Would you like me to train you myself Jackson? Or do you want a trainer to?" I ask and he smiles sheepishly.

"You please," he whispers. I smile as I pick him up and set him on my hip.

"I'll go get around and be right back, okay?" I ask and he nods excitedly, as I set him down on the bed.

I grab my Nike leggings, Nike's, and a grey v-neck. I change in the bathroom, French braiding my hair as I did so before walking out and seeing Jackson looking at my phone interested, wanting to grab for it but he's holding himself back.

"You can play a game on it while we head to the fighting grounds," I say softly, grabbing his hand as we leave my room on the top floor of the 'Alpha House'.

He grabs my phone happily, playing a game after I had unlocked it. His hand holds onto mine tightly and I look down at him, smiling.

"Who's your parents?" I ask him. He looks up at me so suddenly, shocking me.

"They died, they got attacked by a pack when I was a baby and died." He whispers, turning back to the game as I grimace, feeling sorry for the boy.

"Who takes care of you?" I ask. I really need to stop asking so many questions, but I mean.. I am Alpha so.

"The pack has a small adoption cabin, where mates come if they don't want to have birth but we barely get adopted. That's why I send messages to people. It's all I have got to do in my free time." He says with a small shrug.

"Nobody adopted you?" I ask in shock. He's so cute with his light blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Yup, nobody. I'm the only child who hasn't," he says sadly, but then looks up at me with excitement. "Thank you again for taking me to train, I really appreciate this."

"No problem Lance. Hey, before we do go to the training grounds, why don't you show me the adoption center?" I ask and he nods, handing my phone to me before grabbing my hand more tightly and pulling me towards the small cabin I've never noticed before.

We walk in and an older woman turns around before bowing in respect. "Alpha, what an honor." She says happily in her croaky voice. I smile at her before looking down at Lance.

"How about you get all your belongings? I need to talk to..." I look at her name tag before turning back to Lance. "Mary." He nods before running into a room to the right that's down a long blue corridor.

"I'd like to adopt him." I announce and she raises her eyebrows, her lips parted in shock.

"I-uh... but Alpha, there's so many uh other choices.. we have younger children, infants even." She says nervously, biting her wrinkly lip. My eyes go black from how she's trying to say Lance isn't good enough. But he is, he's a leader. He's strong for his age.

"I want Lance. How old is he? How much? I'll pay whatever price." I say bitterly moving towards the desk she stands behind.

"He's four, and he's forty-thousand." She states rudely, grabbing some papers.

"Watch your tone with me," I growl, slamming my fist against the desk making her jump.

"Sorry Alpha, I just don't see what you see in him." She says softly, my eyes turn black and before I can stop myself, my hands are around her neck, making her gasp for air.

"Don't ever, ever talk about him like that. He's better than any child I've ever met. He's special.. so never disrespect him like that ever again, and I mean ever again." I snap, letting go of her for her to fall, gasping for air.

I slam the card down as she gets up, quickly scanning it before handing it back and giving me papers to sign which I do.

"You're his legal guardian now.." she mutters croakily. I smirk, as Lance walks from where he was hiding behind a door with a grin on his face when he sees me.

"Thank you so much!" He squeals, running up to me as I pick him up and lay him on my hip as his legs wrap around my waist, holding his arms around my neck.

"Lets go train buddy," I say to him with a grin before turning around and nodding, my eyes black again before looking at him and feeling them go back to blue.

We exit the adoption center and walking towards the training grounds which are empty, the pack probably eating lunch in the pack house. I set him down, grabbing a belt full of knives and putting them on the ground before standing up and looking down at him.

"Do you know how to throw knives?" I ask him and he shakes his head, excitement running through his eyes.

"Well, lets get to work." I tell the young boy who now could be considered my son.


"Great job Lance!" I say happily as he hits the knife bullseye into the animal. He grins, jumping into my outstretched arms and hugging me tightly.

"Thank you so much Paris.." He whispers against my chest. I hug him tightly, kissing his forehead, his blonde curls falling away from his face.

"Don't thank me Lance. I owe you a thank you." I whisper back to him, rocking us back and forth on the cold dirt ground.

"But for what? I didn't do anything," he says, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. I smile, kissing his forehead and holding him closer to my chest, never wanting to let go of the young, strong boy.

"For not being afraid of me." I whisper back to him.


Was that a shocker or what?.. I was like, I don't want people thinking she's an evil bitch who doesn't care about anyone so I was like hehehe, let me out a Lance in the book and it'll all turn out great!

I'm nervous 'bout what you guys will think though..

Anyways comment, vote⭐💭


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