Chapter 7

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Without further ado, let's get started!
(Had to say that..) (idk)

"Wakey wakey Jeed" i hear my mom saying. I grow, why so early? It's Saturday!
"Why" I mumble. "Your phone has been buzzing all morning" she says before leaving the room. I frown, Perrie? Was Perrie texting me? I quickly get up and grab my phone. Normally i do the whole morning routine first, yeah no.. nobody really does that, right? I just brush my teeth, wash up my body cause it smells like a bag of.. poop in the morning. I'm not even gonna explain. Then wash my face a bit, cause I'm a sea animal with pimples all over my face. But anyways. I open our chat and read all the texts Perrie has send me. Her first one was at nine o' clock in the morning. God, why was she up so early?

Pez: oh my god..

Pez: I didn't..

Pez: i am SO sorry Jade!

Pez: i was drunk and partying.. i don't know why i texted you!?

Pez: i am so sorry Jade! Please please please forgive me!

Pez: i hope you're sleeping cause it's way to early to be awake.

Pez: I truly am really sorry Jade..


She is practically begging me to forgive her. She didn't even do something wrong?
Well she made me a bit uncomfortable but also made me feel those damn butterflies in my stomach...
how could you even fall in love with someone on your phone? You barely know her! Maybe we should call.. so i can get to know her a bit..

You: it's okay Pez, don't worry

Pez: omg! You're awake! Im sorry! Im so so so sorry!

You: you didn't do anything wrong Pez

Pez: yes i did, I completely ruined our friendship.

You: friendship?

Pez: yes?..

You: oh.. yeah sure

Pez: whats wrong?

You: i thought we where more than that


I had to.. but why did i? God i'm stupid..
she didn't reply. It was quit in the chatroom. Hope I didn't ruin things now..


Pez: Jade

You: yes?

Pez: can we call? I want to hear your voice..

You: eh.. wait a sec

Pez: sure


It's gonna happen.. oh my god oh my god!
I'm gonna hear her voice for the first time!
What am i gonna say? 'Hey how are you' no.. that is just embarrassing..


Pez: ?

You: of course we can.. just a bit nervous

Pez: why?

You: I don't know what to say

Pez: don't worry

You: okay, you know my number

Pez: hell yeah ;)

Text your love <Jerrie> COMPLETE ✔️Where stories live. Discover now