Chapter 13

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I sigh. Today is the day. I'm calling her. I'm going to see her. And i'm pooping myself.
I decided to not change the way I usually look. Just did my basic make-up routine and my hair just the way it always is.
I'm afraid she expects me to be more prettier. I mean, taking a selfie is a different thing, then really being face to face. But i'm only nervous for myself. I don't have to worry about her. She's pretty and the nicest person i've ever met.

Get over yourself Jade. Just call. See what happens. If she doesn't like you the way you are. She's not the one.

And again, I let out a sigh. But yeah, I should. The voice inside my head is right.
I grab my phone and scroll trough the contacts I have. I stop when the name 'Perrie' appears. Let's do this. Ten minutes ago she told me it was okay if i called. So.. okay.. there we go then.. I pressed her name so her photo appears on my screen.
Please pick up.. Her face appears on my phone. Immediately I smile.

"Hey Jadey!" She says. I let my face be shown on my screen. Her smile lights up.
"Hey Pez" I say with the biggest smile on my face. "It's nice to see your face" she says. I let a giggle escape my mouth.
"You look beautiful" I look at her face. Unashamed by the fact I'm practically staring. "Thank you" she smiles again.
I look shyly at my nails. I don't know why but suddenly they are very important.
"You know. I'm a total creep" she starts laughing. I look up. "Why?" I ask her. "They just finished a playground in front of my house. And I find children the second cutest thing ever" she giggles. "What's the first? Puppies?" I ask her. "You are the first" she smiles. I feel my cheeks burn. "I'm not cute" I mumble. "Yeah you are! But in a good way though!" Her smile grows. "Thank you" why am I so shy! Normally i don't stutter or something like that. What's wrong with me!

We talked. And talked. Hours passing by like seconds. Giving each other compliments and smiles. Blushing and giggling. Both of the girls truly don't know what's going on. Well.. somewhere deep inside they know. Just one of them notices it.

"We should meet" Perrie says. I look shocked at her. Meet? In real life?
"Are you sure you want that" I stutter. God.. i just stopped stuttering why am I starting again! I truly hate myself right now.
"If you are okay with it. I really want to.. to be honest" she says a bit less confident then the other sentences she said.
This is your change. Go for it!
"I would love to" I look her in the eyes and smile. Her beautiful icy eyes. And perfectly shaped lips In a beautiful pink shade no one has. God she's like an angel.
I love everything about her.
The way she giggles, it's so cute. Her laugh is like music. How her hair falls down like a blonde waterfall.
It's my dream to meet her. To hug her. To touch her. To look in her eyes when she is standing right in front of me.
To talk to her and hear her laugh at my stuttering. That's what i want.
When she told me she lived in South shields, I was truly shocked. I never saw her, which isn't strange, cause i never go out anymore. It's such a small town, how is it possible we never met? Everyone knows everyone.
"We can meet up at the park? You know?" She says. I nod, thinking of the place she is talking about. I used to go there every day. But when my friends decided to dump me, I didn't want to anymore. I need someone to color my life. And I want Perrie to be that person. "Tomorrow?" I say. She smiles. "2 pm?" She asks. "Perfect" I smile. "See you then, love" and again my cheeks turn into a red shade. She called me love.. "see you then" I stutter.. again.
Where is my confidence? I need it..
"Bye" "bye"

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