Chapter 32

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"Oh my god I freaking knew it!" Jesy screams when we told her we are an official couple after all these months.
Perrie squeezes my hand. I smile and look at her. She quickly plants a kiss on my cheek. "Aww honey guys, it took you long enough!" She claps in her hands while smiling brightly. For once she isn't making annoying comments.
"Sooo... did you guys do it?" She smirks.

And I take that back..

"Oh my god Jesy! God you just not for once?" I mumble. Perrie giggles. "And that just comfirmed to me that you did. AAWHH Too cute!" Jesy squeaks happily. I roll my eyes and look at Perrie who is laughing lowly.

The two girls are happy. They met on internet and ended right here on this couch, telling their best friend about their relationship. You don't realize those opportunities. Maybe you meet someone in real life but it's also possible on the internet. It could help a lot.
Jade and Perrie actually lived happily ever after. As cheesy as that sounds, It's true.
Of course they have their bumps in the road but bumps are there to get fixed right? But you have to drive over them before you see them.
Many love stories end like they got married and get children. Well, Jade and Perrie didn't get married and didn't get kids. At least not for now. They decided to make a trip. Not just a little one. They are right now in China. You must be thinking: What the heck!? Well, they decided to visit the world. Only South shields wasn't really enough. They wanted to explore the world with their own feet. Swimming through a waterfall or walk through a big cave made of gold! Forgetting about wifi or any social connection they live in a truck and find a place to crash on the side of the road.
Don't worry, they'll protect each other!
They once thought they were getting attacked by a bear! Perrie slammed the vision with the first thing she could get her hands on. Then they saw It actually was the police who came to tell them it wasn't allowed to camp at the place they were camping. Well.. he was unconscious for a couple minutes... but he did forget why he wanted to arrest them so they got away with it!
Then that time Jade pushed Perrie in the lake with her clothes still on! Perrie was that morning complaining about the amount they had to walk with all the bags. So Jade took all of them, leaving Perrie with none. She pushes Perrie in the lake to kind of get revenge.. Perrie pouted and faked a little cry. Jade immediately believing it, she puts all the bags on the ground, wanting to help Perrie out. But Perrie pulled Jade in the lake when Jade wanted to pull her up. Jade smaked Perrie angrily on her arm but quickly bursts into laugher when Perrie just smirks.
So they have amazing stories. And right now, when you're reading this. They are lost in the middle of a train station in China. Let's say they both had no idea where the actual entrance was and now they have no clue where they are..
well I'm sure they'll find it.

I hope you enjoyed this story! I very very much did! I loved writing every chapter and moment! Creating this kind of thing gives you the power to do everything! To create every last detail and I loved it! Thanks for all the love and support! Check out 'teach me' for my 'new ish' English book! Shameless self promo I'm sorry... LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCHHH 💕💕💕💕BAAYYYYY XXXX

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