Chapter 14

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"God dammit!" I curse to myself. Why don't I have any nice clothes!?

"What's wrong sweetheart?" My mom walks into a messy room. All over the ground you can find shirts, thrown around and all kind of jackets over the floor. I just can't find the perfect outfit! I have four hours left and I have no idea.. i sigh. "I don't know what to wear" i turn around to see my mom giggling. "Don't worry about it! You always look gorgeous!" She smiles widely and walks over to me. "Maybe you should ask Leigh-Anne to come over. I'm sure she wants to help" she grabs my phone and gives it to me. "Yea.. thanks mom" I grab my phone. She smiles and walks out of my room.


"Hey girlfriend!"

"Could you come over? I'm in a crisis"

"Sure! Give me three minutes!"


"See you"

Leigh lives two blocks away from my house. We met at the playground. We had to share a sandcastle, from then, we where best friends. I think we where like.. 5? Maybe 4?

After a couple of minutes she walks into my room. "Heeyy!! Jee- wow shit" her eyes widened.

"I didn't know there was an earthquake?" She jokes while looking up, confused. "Hilarious.. I'm gonna meet Perrie. And i have nothing to wear.." i turn around to face my closet. "That isn't so hard" she mumbles. She walks over and pulls a pink dress with an oversized jacket out of the closet. "This is perfect. You slay this" she smiles brightly and hands it over. "I'm gonna do your makeup and hair!" She claps in her hands like a kid who just got candy.
"You look like a princess!" Leigh squeaks.
She turns me around so I can see myself in the mirror. "Acceptable. Thank you so much Leigh! You saved my life!" I stand up so I can hug her tightly. "Now go over there. You have 30 minutes left" she smiles brightly. I nod.

"Bye" she says when we stand in front of the front door.
"Bye" i wave one last time, then I walk over to the place where I'm gonna see Perrie for the first time.

Nervously I look around me. How would she look like in real life? How is her voice sounding like when she is in front of me?

Then I see a women walking, looking around. She has a brown ish shirt on and a leather dress. Her hair is pulled up into a loose ponytail and her lips have a dark nude color. She looks amazing.
Immediately a smile appears on my face.

That's her.

When she sees me a warm smile appears. "Jadey!" She squeaks happily. She walks a bit faster until she is right in front of me. "Hey" i feel my cheeks burn. Why Jade.. why.. she giggles and puts her arms around my. My body heated up. Shyly I put my arms around her. I tightened the grip, as if not wanting to let go. She pulls away and smiles again. "It's so nice to meet you! I've been so nervous, it's crazy!" She giggles and looks in my eyes. She literally has the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen. I'm sure everyone says it, but they look like the ocean. Or like a blue diamond.. sparkling and perfect.
Not easy to get.. But I smile.

"M-me too! I've been pooping myself.. wait what?" God dammit! I could kill myself right now! I didn't really just said that! Oh my god! She must think i'm crazy! Or some freak.. what have you done.

But she giggles. "You're cute" she says. I look in her eyes again.
"You don't think i'm some freak?" I stutter. She shakes her head. "Of course not silly! By the way. I'm gonna kill myself if i don't tell you this: you look beautiful" again her lips curve into a smile.

"Thank you. Not to copy words. But i think you look beautiful too" Trying not to make a fool of myself, i smile shyly. "I'm buying you a drink. Let's get inside" a spark in her eyes appear. It makes them even more beautiful.
I nod slowly.
"So. I didn't know you lived here too" i'm trying to start a conversation in the most stupid way. I know. "Yea, born and raised" a grin appears. I take a sip from my caramel cappuccino. "Same" I say when I swallowed it. "Your accent is way prettier then mine though" she giggles. I just smile. Most people say my accent is annoying.

In some way she makes me feel worth it.. worth living. Nobody ever told me anything like that. Then her phone buzzes. She looks at me for approval. I nod simply. Why wouldn't she be allowed to call?

Perrie puts her phone on the speaker.

"Heyyy idiot!" A voice says immediately.

She rolls her eyes. "Shut up Jes" she says annoyed. I smile to stop myself from bursting out into laughter.

"How went your date?"

Again Perrie sighs. "It's not a date Jes.. and you're interrupting it actually"
Perrie looks up into my eyes.

"Oeehh!! Get em Edwards! Tell me the details latah!"

Then 'Jesy' hangs up. Perrie looks straight at her phone. "Sorry bout' that.." she mumbles. "There are best friends for, right?"
Every minute they seem to loosen up more. It took time. But they are talking about anything now. About they're moms and friends. About themselves and what they like.

"You know Disney?" Perrie asks

"Oh my god! I love Disney! I'm obsessed!" Jade squeaks.

They tell each other stupid stories and bursts out into laughter.
Without noticing it, they tell each other things no one knows. But it seems just so natural. So.. meant to be.
"I had the best time. We should do this again" Perrie says when they decided to leave. It was getting dark outside and they both had to make dinner at home.

"Yes! I loved it!" Jade squeaks with a huge smile. They pull each other into a tight hug. But it lasted longer then expected. Both not wanting to let go. Just Like magnets..? Not wanting to make it awkward for the older Geordie, Perrie pulls aways. Jade trying to hide her disappointment with a smile. "Text me?" Perrie says. "Of course" Jade answers.
"It was lovely meeting you, Pez" Jade says. "It was lovely meeting you too Jadey" they walk in the opposite directions with a huge smile. This was definitely the best day of their lives.
And it passed by like seconds.

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