Chapter 15

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I stare at the people in the hallway. I'm at school. And to be honest, I don't hate it as much as normal people do. I just don't like the people here. It's not like they bully me. They just ignore me to death. Which isn't that bad after all. I'm about to get through the last hour on this long day at school.
But I have to be honest, I'm so damn happy when it's Friday.
Days passing by. And i didn't say a word. One time I didn't talk for two weeks. I literally forgot what my voice sounded like!
When i came home I immediately went to my room. I wanted to talk to Perrie, badly.
I forgot my shyness for a second.
I love that about us. I just forget my bad sides, the shyness, the girl that doesn't have the nerve to speak up. I'm a different person with Perrie. Confident, happy, but still a bit shy. And she makes me feel pretty, what didn't happen in a long long time.
So I call her. Not to confess that i'm falling in love with her tho..

It's crazy, i'm falling harder and harder for her, with the second.
Only her voice could light up a dark day.
"Heeyyy! jadey!" Is the first thing i hear when she picks the phone up.
"Hey Pez!" I say happily. "Are you bored again?" She asks giggling. "No, i just wanted to talk to you" I say quietly.
"It's okay, i always want to talk to you. All day long" I just know she is smiling. And Just knowing it makes my heart melt.
"And i wanted to ask something" I'm actually really doing a hard job by sounding confident with asking this.
"Go ahead baby" she says immediately.
"Are you free today?" I ask with hesitation. I don't want to sound to pushy.. I'm afraid she'll walk away. I can't lose her.
"If you give me a sec" she answers. See, she is trying to find the right words to say no.
"Now i am" she says. I frown. When I don't answer back she giggles. "I'm free babe" she says with her sweet voice. "Yay!" I squeak happily. "Would you give me the honor to take you out tonight?" I don't know where this conference suddenly comes from. "You mean Like a date?" She asks. My breath hitched. Would she want that? Does she see me like that? "W-would y-you say yes if it was?" Full of hope I wait for an answer. IF she says yes.. oh my god.. "actually.. yeah" she says shyly. She sounds so cute.. awh..
"R-really!?" I say louder then expected. She laughs. "Yeah Jadey I would love to!" A huge smile appears on my face. She wants to go on a date. Like.. Wow..
"Where do you wanna go?" I ask her. "Erm.. I know a place. Should i pick you up?" She answers smiling. "Okay, what time?" I need like.. hours to get ready. I want it to be perfect. My whole future is ruined if it doesn't go perfect.
"In three hours?" She says. "Sound good" What am I going to wear? A dress? "What should I wear?" I accidentally say.
"Something nice but comfy. Wear what makes you feel good. You look beautiful anyway" she says simply. "Thank you" I say softly. "I can't wait! Bye Jadey!" She sounds so excited. I'm just so freaking nervous. It's killing me, to be honest. "Bye Pez" then she hangs up. It's insane. I fell in love with someone. And I met that someone on WhatsApp. Thanks to Leigh-Anne.. I gotta thank her properly.
But i gotta run now. I have a date in three hours and I don't know what to wear. And of course now, I look like a monk.
I'm having a serious bad hair day and I have a huge spot on my chin. It's like a huge mountain.. ready to explode.
Okay.. something nice but comfy. Let's just go with the way my hair looks now. Like an explosion.. not to much make-up and.. oh! I just bought a new white shirt. If i put that underneath a dress? With simple sneakers. Yeah, that should be just fine. I hope. Or I look like a pig.. isn't love about inner beauty? Guess i have to stop stuttering and be a little confident. Maybe it'll help?

Hours and hours later I'm finally ready. And just in time. When i do a final check in the mirror, the doorbell rings. I run downstairs and open the door. "Hey Perrie" i say smiling. Her eyes widen. "Y-you look beautiful Jade" she says. "You look beautiful too" she wears a leather skirt with a white shirt above, With chic heels in a dark color. "Thank you" she says smiling. "Give me a second. I have to grab my purse. I'm paying today. Would you like to come in?" Wow, the no shy thing is going pretty good. "You don't have to-" she starts. "It's okay. I want to" i say. She looks and me. Then she nods. I let her walk pass me. When she is so close. I almost can't stop myself from crashing my lips against hers. Grabbing her face and pulling it to mine. But I won't. I'm scared. Scared she'll leave me. Scared she just sees me as a friend.

Friends don't date?

I know.. but.. maybe? I close the door. "Wait a sec" i say before quickly walking upstairs to grab my purse. I look in the mirror. What is this girl doing to me?

This chapter is probably super bad. I'm like EXTREMELY hyper! The last episode of the Vampire diaries is TODAY! I'm so excited! And Sunday, Little mix will perform at the Kids Choice Awards 2017. I voted like crazy😂
Who will watch it? Or am i the only stalker ish fan? 😂💁🏽

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