Chapter 23

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Jesy went home a couple hours later when the girls woke up. Leigh was about to leave and Perrie stayed over for another night.

The girls just ate breakfast and are currently just talking about stupid things.

"So when my dad decided to go out he got so drunk he didn't come home for two days" Leigh says laughing hard.

Perrie just grins stupidly at her while looking at Jade who's attention is not on Leigh.

Her attention is on a pack Disney biscuits on the edge of the table. "Screw it" she mumbles to herself while bending over and reaching for the biscuits.

Perrie laughs while still pretending to listen to Leigh. Jade is looking like a happy toddler when she is eating her biscuits. She has a happy smile on her face what is making her very adorable.

Perrie laughs again. "Can I have one?" She tries while pouting adorably at Jade. Leigh watches them. Waiting for Jade to say 'no'. Jade never shares her biscuits.

Jade looks from Perrie to the biscuits and back. She opens her mouth, ready to say 'no'. But then she sees Perrie pouting. 'I can't ignore that adorable beauty!' She thinks. "Alright Pez, just one tho. Don't get used to it" Jade says while smiling. Leigh's eyes widen. Jade sharing HER biscuits?

"My god.. you got it bad Thirlwall" she mumbles. Jade looks at Leigh. "What?" She asks her not hearing what her friend just said.

"No, nothing. Can I have one too?" Leigh tries. But Jade backs off. "Hell no! Buy your own miss stealing my dear beloved biscuits" Jade sticks out her tongue teasingly.

Leigh didn't expect her to give one, she was just trying if it was just Jade having a good mood. It really had something to do with a certain blonde beside her..


"Well, that's my cue.. I gotta go. Bye girls! Love ya both!" Leigh stands up and waves at the two girls who are giggling with each other like two nervous teenagers.



"What do you think of me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, how would you describe me?"


"I'm not cute!"

"You are!"

"Am not! I'm very..."

"Sexy? Irresistible? Fit? Sweet? What god thinks is perfect?"

"I'm serious pez.."

Perrie sighs. She was serious too. How could she explain that?

"You are my best friend and I love you. Nothing else matters"

Perrie smiles with a hidden sad tint.

•Next day•

Perrie had left. Jade was alone and confused. They were normal around each other now. And hell it felt amazing.

Jade sat on the floor thinking about the blonde with a smile on her face. Yes, she did love her. She loved Perrie Edwards. The girl who texted her and started of as a creep.

It's getting worse, she is feeling it. Not long and the little touched were too much for her. She would be craving the blonde. And she couldn't keep herself under control. Let's just enjoy till that moment has come.

"I'm gonna call Leigh, see what she thinks" she says to herself. She grabs her phone and rings her older best friend.

"Yowe pickle!" Leigh says happily. "Hye Leigh. Can I come over to you house. We need to talk.." Jade says while trying to poor old tea in the sink. "Yea sure! You are always welcome!" Leigh exclaims. "Thanks. See you in five"


"So.. what did you want to talk about?" Leigh asks. "About Pez" Jade says while looking down in embarrassment. "Tell me" Leigh smirks already knowing what the petite girl is talking about.

"I think i'm falling in love with her.." Jade murmurs just loud enough for Leigh-Anne to hear it.

"Oh my god! I knew it! You never share your biscuits with anyone! I freaking knew it!" Leigh squeaks loud.

"But I can't ruin our friendship Leigh? I can't tell her.." Jade looks sadly at the ground.

"Then show her how much you care about her" Leigh smiles at Jade who looks up. "How?" She asks. "That's your decision to make" Leigh answers. Jade nods in approval.

"I think I know something"


You: pezzabear!

Pez: hye Jadey

You: Please come to your place

Pez: my place?

You: the lake where you sang for me

Pez: why?

You: because I want to show you something. Just be there in 30 minutes kay?

Pez: always for you Jadey. take something to eat with you please.. I'm starving

You: what do you want?

Pez: you

You: what?

Pez: shit I mean you chose. Didn't finish my sentence..

You: right, see ya soon!

Pez: yea :)

•Chatroom closed•

"Let's go'

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