Chapter 19

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Hi guys 👋🏻 how ya doinnn'!??

I need distraction. Like, now! I can't spend my days dreaming about a life I can't have. I can't spend my days dreaming about Perrie, I just can't do that. And what's not helping, she is coming over for the first time. She has never seen my house before, nor met my parents. The first thing is possible, the second isn't. My parents aren't home this week. And i'm an only child since my brother left our family.
There was a huge fight between my parents and him. There was screaming, yelling, everything! I remember him giving them a change to forget it and move on. But they didn't listen and kicked them out of the family. He ran off, after glancing sadly over to me. I've never seen hem again since that night. My parents told me I had to forget him. How could they forget their son? I remember him, although I was four. I was so close to him and it hurts like hell. I miss him so much.. I wish he was here to give me advice about my Perrie situation. But I just hope he is okay and living the life he always wanted.
My thoughts got blown away when the doorbell rings. I ran down downstairs, getting exited to see Perrie again. When I open the door I see her. She is standing there being the gorgeous women she is and smiling from ear to ear.
"Jadey! I missed you so much!" She says immediately. She throws her arms around my neck and buries her face in my hair.
I melt into her touch. She feels so warm and... perfect. She feels perfect. There are no words that could describe her beauty. Or That could explain how sweet and caring she is. I lead her upstairs after offering her a drink. We sit and just look at each other. And i'm Just swimming in her eyes. We're just sitting inches away from each other. After the conversation died, we just sat here, looking into each others eyes. I break the eye contact when I look at her lips. They look so kissable.. ugh..
I look up again and realize she saw that.
And I don't know what got to me but I lend forward. She looks down at my lips and leans in. But when our lips we're about to touch, the doorbell rings. We got pulled out of our moment. How could I be so stupid!! I was about to kiss my best friend! No no no no no no!! "I'll get that" I mumble while quickly walking downstairs.
I'm so embarrassed! How did this happen... I open the door, revealing a deliverer. "Here you go" he says while handing over a package. "Thank you" I say quietly. I close the door after a quick goodbye and lean against the door. I need to go upstairs again. Okay, there we go..

"Just a package" I say when I come in to my room again. She nods. "I'm sorry for.. yeah.. Please just forget about it.." I say hoping that she is able to. I mean, her beast friend was trying to kiss her. That's freighting. "Bu-" she tries. "No, please don't say anything. I'm sorry" I'm practically begging. "Okay" she says. I nod and sit beside her, with waaayy more space between us. I am not letting this happen again. I mean YES I want it to happen. But I don't want to hurt her in any way. Let's change the subject.

"Isn't it crazy we met on an app?" I say. She looks up to my, immediately smiling.
"Yes! Thanks to Leigh-Anne!" She says. I nod happily. "You know what! We should celebrate!" She looks at me, hoping I'll say yes. "Where, when?" I ask her. "Tonight, I'll invite my best friend too! We need to go out anyway!!" She squeaks. "Yeah, why the hell not!" When I finish my sentence she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me. Let's do this!

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