Chapter 26

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"What are you doing?" Perrie asks Jade surprised. Jade turns around. She was ready to walk away and leave the blonde in her new school.

"It's your first day. You really don't want your first impression to be with me" Jade sighs and tries to smile at her best friend.

"Why?" Perrie just steps closer to her. "They don't like me around here. Please, I don't want to ruin this for you" Jade means it. Everyone here at school hates her. She has no friends and people talk behind her back.

"But.." Perrie still doesn't get it. "Just make friends here kay? If you need help you can text me. You really don't want to be seen with me. I gotta go. Your first class Is with Miss Turner in classroom 109 upstairs at your right. Can't miss it" Jade smiles sadly and walks away. Leaving Perrie with big questions. But the biggest one: why?

"Oh my god are you the new girl! I love new kids!" A blonde girl walks up to Perrie with a huge smile. "Yeh that's me" Perrie giggles. "I'm Perrie" she says smiling. "Ellie! Nice to meet you!" The girl seems nice. "You can sit with us we have the same lesson. Miss Turner is the worst! So be careful!" Ellie laughs and pulls Perrie with her to classroom 109.

Perrie looks back and she sees Jade walking away on her own. Drowned in her own thoughts. "Ellie?" She says. "Yeh?" The two girls are walking into the classroom and taking a seat. "Hey! Ellie! Come sit over here!" Perrie hears another girl say. "Wait a sec" ellie says. She walks over to the girl who was calling her. Perrie sits down and looks to the window. She sees Jade already sitting outside. Alone. Perrie frowns. "Ellie?" She says while not leaving her glance from Jade. Ellie walks over to Perrie and takes a seat beside her. "Why is she alone?" Perrie asks. "Jade thirlwall?" Ellie looks at Jade. Perrie nods. "Oh she is just kinda weird. The only nerd here in school. No one just hangs out with her" Ellie huffs and doesn't really pay attention.

Perrie sighs.

"I'm going to her" Perrie stands up and grabs her bag. "what!? Why? The lesson is starting?" But Perrie doesn't listen, she walks out of the class. She runs down the stairs. And after a couple seconds she walks towards Jade who has no clue and is reading a book. "Jade..." she says. She sits down on the ground. "What are you doing? Don't you have class?" Jade has her glasses on and looks up at Perrie. "I am sitting with you. And yes i have class they are standing by the window right now, looking at me being with you and Jade I don't care" Perrie grabs Jades hands. "I don't care if I can have the whole school after me Jade, I want to be with you" perrie smiles slightly. "Are you sure? I mean.." But Jade gets cut off. "I'm sure" Perrie smiles and leans in for a hug. Jade hugs Perrie tight. "Are you skipping class?" Perrie asks. "Maybe" Jade huffs. "Let's go then. I'm not going back now. Let's go to the candy shop I saw!" The girls stand up and walk hand in hand away. "We have to go to the next hour tho.. I'm not skipping two" Jade says. Perrie just nods and looks around, trying to find the candy shop she is looking for.
"Ah! There it is!" Perrie points to a cute looking shop. Jade giggles. Of course she knows where the candy store is. She just finds Perrie so cute at the moment. She could of been friends with every girl or boy in this school. But she choose to let that go and stay with her. Why? Why did she do it? They walk inside the store. "Hye Girls! How can I help you?" An old looking lady walks over to them with a bright smile. The girls smile at her. "Yea, we'll fill up a bag, thanks" Perrie smiles. The women nods and turns her attention back to the computer. She looks confused at it.
The girls grab some candy, pay and head back to school. "Perrie! Why did you leave!? Why with... her?" Ellie walks over to the girls. Jade huffs and looks down. "Because she is my best friend, Ellie" Perrie throws her arm around jades waist. Jade smiles. "Wow, I didn't know you had friends, Thirlwall?" Ellie laughs at her own joke and looks at Perrie who isn't joining her in her hilarious joke. "Let's go Jadey" Perrie smiles at Jade and grabs her hand. She pulls her with her to a bench. She really thought Ellie was nice. Guess not.
Jade sighs. She doesn't want Perrie to be alone. She wants the best for her. And she isn't. "Maybe you should do the work you just missed?" Jade says while grabbing her phone to look what lesson Perrie just missed. Perrie nods. "Yep I should" Perrie simply says. But she doesn't do a thing. Jade shakes her while head laughing.

"Let's get to class we have two minutes left" Jade says while grabbing her stuff and standing up. "Hmh wait a sec" Perrie says while putting a hand full of candy in her mouth. Jade shakes her head. "Just hurry up" The girls walk towards the class.

Which happened to be chemistry.

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