Chapter 22

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"What took you guys so long?" Leigh looks at the two girls walking into the living room while holding each others hands tightly.

"We went to the café where you and Pez met each other" Jade smiles while looking at the blonde beside her. She is truly fascinated how beautiful she is.

Until she realized she was staring to she sighed to herself and looked back to Leigh-Anne.

"Oh my god! You remember!?" Leigh-Anne   Squeaks surprised. Perrie nods proudly. "Of course I do silly! You introduced me to this little peanut" Perrie laughs to herself while pointing to the petite brunette who is smiling at her. "I am not little" Jade mumbles in disapproval.

Perrie giggles while tightening her grip on Jade's small hand.

"Let's watch a movie.. I'm bored" Jesy looks at us smiling a bit but hiding it because she knows it's a secret that the two are unknown in love.

"Only if we watch Disney!" Jade squeaks.
The girls looked at her like she was kidding but they quickly saw she was deadly serious.

"Serious? again? You watched those like a thousand times!" Leigh claims annoyed.

"And all those times were better then your stupid typical romance movies" Jade huffs.

Perrie burst out in laugher. "That's true" she laughs. Leigh just looks at us. "They are not typical" Leigh grabs a blanked and sits down on the couch.

Jesy sits down beside her and a smirk is cropping onto her face. Jade looks at her, confused. But when she sees the only place left is a big chair in the corner of the room, she understands why Jesy is smirking.

But Perrie doesn't seem to bother. She drags Jade with her and pulls her between her legs on de big chair. She leans back and waits till Jade does too so their bodies are touching. Jade is one hundred precent okay with that so she does what is expected from her. Perrie wraps her arms around Jade and pulls the small brunette closer to herself. Jade sighs, getting comfy. She snuggles close to Perrie and pulls a blanket over them.

Jesy is just looking at them getting comfy with a huge smirk.

Both of the girls, Jade and Perrie are convincing themselves that this is a completely normal position for best friends so they don't need to make it stop.

"Fine then, we'll watch this one" Leigh shows us Ariël.

Jade doesn't react anymore. She is just living on cloud nine in Perrie her arm arms.

"Yeah! Ariël!" Jesy says happily. She loves that movie so freaking much, It's crazy.

Perrie nods while smiling widely at Leigh who is putting the dvd in the player. When that's done she sits down beside Jesy and pulls the bright red blanket to herself. "Hey!" Jesy tries to get a bit of warmth but that was HER blanket. "I'm only okay with sharing, young lady" she says. Leigh sighs. "Fine" she gives Jesy her part back and shuffles closer to her.

During the movie Jade falls asleep in Perrie her arms. Perrie looks at her and intertwining her hand with Jade's.

When she looks over to Leigh-Anne and Jesy she sees they've fallen asleep too. She smiles and looks back at the small princess in her arms. 'i wish this could last forever' she thinks. She accepted to be in love with Jade Thirlwall. But she also chose to forget it and hope it would just fade away.

But it didn't

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