Chapter 20

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This was the worst idea I had so far. I'm at some unknown bar, being the one that isn't drinking. So here I am drinking my coca cola and watching the love of my life dancing. She got drunk the second she was here. I think she has something she wants to forget because this isn't the Perrie I know. She has her hands up in the air, moving her hips on the base of the music. The hardest part isn't even watching her. The hardest part is staying here and stop myself from walking over to her and dance with her while my hands are discovering her soft skin. Nope, I'm here. I'll leave it to my imagination.

"Come one Jadey! You can drink! Just loosen up a bit!" Leigh sits beside me and follows my gaze to Perrie. Her blue eyes are covered with her porcelain eyelids while dancing. I don't know how she keeps fascinating me like this. I just can't stop looking at her. "No, I promised i'll drive" and i'm not happy I made that decision. "We'll get a cap! Don't worry. I'm not THAT drunk" she giggles which means to me she is VERY drunk. But also right. We can call a cap. "Fine" I say. Her face lights up. She gives me something to drink and waits till I swallow it all. After a couple drinks I'm feeling kind of dizzy. But also very happy and confident. Always a great feeling!

Then I see the beautiful blonde again. Dancing on her own. I walk over to her and rest my hands on her hips. At first she is shocked but when she sees me a smirk crops onto her face. "Wanna dance" I say. She nods and turns around, grinding against my back. Still her arms wrapped around my neck. "I find you very sexy in that dress" she says while smirking. "But I think it looks better on the ground though" she turns around and looks into my eyes. "Do you?" I say while placing my thumb on her bottom lip. She nods while looking down at my lips, just like earlier. I guess the alcohol kicks in but she leans forward.

Then our lips touch. Her lips are so soft and perfect. Fireworks explode in my stomach. I'm trying to act cool but i'm so ready to fangirl. I'm kissing her i'm kissing her! I want to shout it from the rooftops!

Trying to find a better angle, she puts her hand through my hair. When air becomes a problem, we break apart. "I should of kissed you earlier" she says. I laugh quietly. "What the heck are you doing!?" Leigh-Anne snaps at us. We let each other go with a red face. "Noooooo" Leigh her eyes widen. "Nooo!" She says again. "The two babies finally grew balls! Sucks that you're drunk and not going to remember any shit of tonight!" She laughs loud at her own joke. "Let's just get home" i sigh. Maybe drinking wasn't the best idea. I'm so going to regret this.

Confusing chapter. I can't write 😂

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