Chapter 17

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What you guys think of the cover? I'm not really in love, but I suck at making that kind of things..


Point of view Jade

Okay, what to wear? What to wear..
I hold up a dress with flowers al over it.
too much flowers. Maybe
I grab a blue pair of jeans. No, i'll go with the black one. I just need to find them.. i look down. How am I going to find one pair of trousers.. I can't even see my damn floor..

"Mom!" I yell, trying to get attention.
"If you want to ask something come downstairs" she yells back. Same for you.. you yelled back. Now You are officially a accessary! Hah! God I'm stupid.
Slowly trying to find my way out of the room without falling, I giggle at my thoughts. "Do you know where my black pair of jeans are?" I Ask my mom when I arrive downstairs in the kitchen. "Since when you have black jeans?" Her eyes widen in surprise. "I'm serious mom" I sigh, annoyed.
"They are in your drawer Jade. If you'd keep that thing clean, you would of known" she wipes her hands dry on the towel next to her, and walks over to me.
"I'm just stressed okay!" I'm going on a blind date with some guy. I don't know a thing about him so this could be interesting.
"Jezus chirst... Jade Amelia Thirlwall! Are you out of your freaking mind!" I hear my mom screaming. I think she found my room.. I run towards her. "It's not that bad.." I try. "Yeah? Why can't I your floor then!?" She says. Angrily. I open my mouth but close it quickly when I realize it's pointless.  "Underneath?" I just say.
She shakes her head. "You are cleaning this Young lady. And you are not leaving before it's all nice and tidy!" Angrily, she walks away. Wait, then i'll be late for my blind date. "No! Mom! I have a date!" I follow her quickly. "Yeah, with someone who isn't Perrie. So i'm not helping ya'"
She says simply. Serious?
"Ugh! Why!" But she doesn't reply. So, i'll just push everything underneath my bed. No one will notice. Why would they put a gab under your bed? Well, this is why. So you can save stuff there. It's that easy!

"I'm done!" I ran away so my mam doesn't get the change to reply. I quickly go over to the cafe where i'm suppose to meet my blind date. I just don't care if I like him or not. I'm over head and heels about Perrie and I don't want to ruin our friendship. This is the only way. I know i'm being selfish..
I just.. No.. i'm just really being selfish.
But I just really can't lose Perrie. I'll break..
I won't be able to get fixed anymore.
Let's just get this over with.

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