Chapter 27

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Point of view Jade

Chatroom with Jed

Jed: Just practice here!

You: but I don't know what to say!

Jed: does it matter?

You: yes! It matters!

Jed: just say how you feel

You: fine. But I need to go now I'm going to buy a new phone with me mam.

Jed: why?

You: I dropped this one and it's kinda old

Jed: kej. Bye!

You: bye!


"Okay, Let's go" i mumble to myself when I put my phone in my bag and walk to my mom who is waiting downstairs. "What are we getting again?" She asks. I sigh. She keeps asking this over and over again. "A phone. Why won't you listen for once" it's getting annoying. "Oh yeah of course! A phone" she is forgetting everything lately.

When we got back I run upstairs. Got a new one. Just a simple golden one I'm not telling you in detail. Wait. Hell yeah I'm going to!




And I ruined it the second I got it. I lost all my photos and contacts... and I have a new phone number.. apparently.. well I still have my contact but without any names. Some of them I still recognize. But most of them are a question mark to me. After a good hour I just have two numbers left. But I'm sure the first one is Jed and the second is Pez.
Oh yeah about the conversation we had.
I told him about my hella big crush on Perrie. It didn't work out between us. We are just friends now. He's helping me tho. Telling me how to say it to Perrie.
That's what I'm going to do. Practice on him.


You: I love you


It didn't take long before I got an reply.

*number*: to whom do I owe the pleasure?

-shit it isn't Jed?-

You: I must have the wrong number. Is this not Jed?

*number*: No... but Don't let that stop you from loving me. I'm worth it

You: LOL send me a picture


I'm normally not so confident. But how did I get this number? I want to know. I see that the person send me a photo.




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*number*: dez me? How do you know my name?

You: --

*number*: JADEY!!!

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*number*: JADEY!!!


*added *number**

Pezzaa: Got a new number?

You: yep... problems with my phone..

Pezzaa: Jadey....

You: yeh?

Pezzaa: who's Jed?

You: eh.. no one

Pezzaa: you love him?

You: eh yes

Pezzaa: okay

Pezzaa: i gotta go

You: wait!

Pezzaa: bye


Uh oh....

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