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Viktor Nikiforov

"I never caught your name," the girl murmured, leaning on the desk, taking a small smoke.
Viktor smiled softly. "Is it needed?"
She laughed. "Pfft, of course not. But I'm just curious."
"Fine fine! Viktor Nikiforov!"
"Nicki.. forov?" She asked, snorting. "You Russians have the weirdest names."

"I haven't even heard your name," Viktor pointed out, resting his chin on his right hand as he looked at the swirling cup of coffee. He glanced at her. "so what is it?"
"Katsuki Mari. Just call me Mari," the girl droned, wiping a glass cup, a lopsided smile on her face.
"That's a weird name."
"It's not weird it's Japanese," she protested.


Viktor had never really seen anyone Japanese live in Russia. Not even his competitors on the ice. He just snorted. "And my name's Russian," he retorted.
"Fair point you kid," she said, puffing another smoke. Viktor coughed slightly from the smoke circulating the small café. "I'm not a kid."
"You look like a forty year-old man with that gray hair-"
"Okay, that hurts."
"I'm not a kid!"
"So you admit that you're old and-"

The door burst open. Viktor turned to see a shivering boy, drenched, and his blue glasses were foggy. "M- mari-neechan! D- did you even bother looking for me?"
"Yuuri calm down," Mari said, puffing a smoke. "I couldn't."
"W- what? Why?"
"Because this kid- sorry, person showed up," she replied, glancing at Viktor. Viktor eyed Yuuri, his blue eyes widened slightly. He tossed the towel, to which the boy caught easily.

Wait.. Yuuri..?

"T- thanks," Yuuri stammered, and there was embarrassment scribbled all over his face. The only theory Viktor could come up with was that the raven haired boy didn't notice him earlier. Viktor smiled, trying to recover from his shock. "No problem."
"Okay, Yuuri this is Viktor Nikiforov. Viktor this is Yuuri, my younger brother."
"The one you stranded outside to stay in the rain."
"Again, sorry."

Viktor glanced at the two of them, amused. It was funny on how their relationship worked, even when they both seemed like opposites. But he was still a little shocked at the sight of Katsuki Yuuri. Was he always like this?

"Alright, I'm going to get more towels. Yuuri, go try to dry up. Viktor..," she shrugged helplessly. "Do whatever the hell you want." And with that she was gone.

Viktor glanced at Yuuri. "Your sister's pretty laid back and straightforward."
"No kidding," Yuuri muttered. "I still can't believe she's my sister."
Viktor studied the Japanese boy in front of him; black hair, coffee eyes.. his hair was pretty messy too.

It can't be.. doesn't he remember me?

"Well, siblings don't always have to be alike."

Yuuri chuckled, sitting down on the closest chair next to him, drying his hair. "True, I guess."
It was unbearably awkward, and Viktor fidgeted slightly. Yuuri glanced at him, and Viktor eyed him. "What?"
"Huh? Oh, I-.."
The Russian smirked amusingly. "You like what you see?"
Yuuri blushed. "No! I- I- I just-"

Making people uncomfortable was pretty funny in Viktor's opinion. He just smiled, but he was confused by Yuuri's flustered behavior. "Whatever you say."
"S- seriously! I-"

We barely even talked and I already made him flustered. Cute, but confusing..

"Oi, what's going on?" Mari asked, coming out of the kitchen and tossing Yuuri another towel. "I told you to dry yourself up."
"Fine fine," Yuuri murmured, moving past his sister. Mari shoved him playfully, the boy staggering slightly before heading upstairs.

"What's up there?" Viktor inquired as he took a sip of his coffee. It was cold.
I should've drank it earlier..
"Oh. Yuuri and I rented this building, so, we live here too."
"Wow! Really?"
"Yeah," Mari replied, snorting. "You sound like a child."
Viktor could only smile.

"Yuuri! Are you almost done?"
"I'm coming down."
The muffled reply of Yuuri was followed by loud footsteps, and the black-haired boy appeared.
His hair was still slightly wet, but he headed down anyways.

"Okay Yuuri, I'm lazy. I'm going to take a break and you just tend to whoever comes in here." Mari said, walking into the kitchen.
"Eh? Why?"
"I'm lazy. Plus it's your turn," she said in a muffled voice from the kitchen. "Bye."

Yuuri just sighed, leaning on a table.
Viktor looked at the kitchen. "Your sister's pretty.. strange," he remarked, looking at Yuuri. "is she the one baking around here?"
"Well, sort of? We take turns really."
The Russian smiled. "You can bake?"
Yuuri nodded shyly. "Y- yeah.. sometimes.."
"You don't look like the type to bake, though." From our previous encounter, anyways.
"I get that a lot," Yuuri replied, looking at Viktor for a moment, before finally tearing his gaze to the kitchen.

Viktor stood up. "I should get going."
"Oh! Yeah, sure," Yuuri said, seemingly snapping out of his thoughts. "Thanks for coming."
Viktor just smiled again, before turning to leave.

This place seems fun. I'll definitely come again.

The chapters are boring, buut, it will get there. Thank you for the support guys!! :DD

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