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Viktor Nikiforov

"But why the hell did you tell her!?" Viktor asked angrily, trying to calm himself as he gripped the pillow beside him in frustration.
"Viktor, I told you. She wouldn't stop bugging me," Chris said through the phone. "plus I thought things were fine between you two?"
"Chris, do you know why we broke up?"

"No, not really."
"She wanted me to get rid of Makkachin."
"You picked the dog over your girlfriend."
"Makkachin has been with me as long as I can remember, Chris. Plus.. he's getting older.."
"I question your decisions sometimes."
"Who's side are you on? Plus.. Yuuri was there."
"The guy that you had a crush on?"

Viktor fidgeted uncomfortably. "I don't have a 'crush' on him.. I.. it's hard to explai-"
The phone started ringing.
"Hold on someone else is calling."

He answered the other call. "Uh, hello?"
"Oi. Asshole. Where the fuck have you been?"
Viktor beamed slightly. "Hi, Yurio! How's practice with Yakov?"

Yuri Plisetsky was the fifteen year-old skater that always impressed Viktor. He was young for his age, but he's been acing competitions so far.

"Why have you been skipping? And why the hell am I called 'Yurio' now?"
"Oh. Both questions are answered by one word: Yuuri!"
"What the fuck man how am I stopping you. I'm literally pestering you to go now. Go now."
"Oh! There's another boy I met named Yuuri."
"Well fuck him I'm the only Yuri in town. Where is he?"

Viktor could only think at what happened at the café. How Yuuri had headed upstairs, and Viktor himself had left Anna. It's all too awkward for me..

"Oh. He works at a café."
"Yeah Viktor because I can definitely track him down." The boy muttered sarcastically. "Which one?"
"Oh! It's-.."
And Silence.

"..did you fucking forget?"
"I'm so done with you. Like, so done."
"I get that a lot."
"Not surprised. But seriously, come over. How the hell am I going to start my senior debut without you? You're my trump card."
"Yeah yeah I'll go later. Bye."

He hung up, sighing. "Too much to do, so little time," he muttered, looking over at Makkachin. "It's tiring."
The doorbell rings, and Viktor looked up. He sighed, opening the door only to see Anna.

Well shit.

"Um, hi." He muttered awkwardly.
She smiled sweetly. "Hey Viktor. May I come in?"
He bit his tongue from saying 'no' and just let her in. She looked around, before seeing Makkachin. "Oh. You still have.. him."
Viktor crossed his arms. Not this nonsense again.

"Let's not direct whatever you came here for at Makkachin," he said bitterly, struggling to cool himself. "So. What do you want."
Anna nodded, not taking her eyes of his dog. "I wanted to apologize."
"If you're going to look at and dislike my buddy than I can't accept it." He said, already making his way to the door.
Anna looked confused, before eyeing Makkachin and sighing. "Sorry. I've gotten over it."

Viktor, encouraged by his earlier statement, frowned slightly. "Makkachin's not the only thing you need to apologize about."
The light haired girl swallowed.

Viktor, angered by this, spoke a little more loudly. "When we were to talk about the Makkachin issue at the bar you didn't come."

And that's when I met Yuuri, he thought, though he did not add that, knowing it would stimulate the girl's curiosity. That was the only thing Viktor was grateful to Anna.

For picking the bar, and ditching him and eventually getting his shattered heart repaired by a drunk Japanese boy.

Even if Viktor was doing the bet, he never put the bet into much thought. He just wanted to spend time with Yuuri.

Yuuri was not Anna's business. So why should he tell her?

Plus, talking about this to his third ex made it awkward for him.

Even Yuuri was awkward around Anna.

Anna hesitated. "I.."
"I went to my friend's place..," she said softly. "I was scared that our relationship would fall apart-"
"And it did. Because you didn't do the opposite." He said, sighing.
"Viktor, please." She said in a pleading tone. "I'm.. sorry. I didn't say it earlier because I was scared and.. i'm not anymore."
"If you're hoping to establish any acquaintance thing with me, I'd be okay with that," he said slowly, though the anger had not completely disappeared from his voice.

Too awkward for me.. where's Yuuri's soft hands when you need them..

"But I don't- no, I'll make sure it won't go beyond that." Viktor stated carefully, looking at Anna. "Fair?"
She opened her mouth to protest, but a small sigh came out instead. "Fine. But I'm going to make sure you'll consider me a friend," she declared, walking over to the door. "I'm dropping by from now on and.."

She eyed him, her golden locks slightly messy as she glanced behind her.
She continued quietly. "..I'm going to make sure you will consider me.. more than a friend one day."

And she left.

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