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Viktor Nikiforov

Viktor tried not to mentally slap himself. But it was hard not to, after acting so idiotically. He barely remembered the night they made the bet, but he was slightly grateful for that.

Viktor blinked.
I regret this. I regret this sooo much. Was all he thought as he eyed the dunk woman in front of him. "..you're joking right?"
"Nope nope i'm serious," Minako had hummed, and Mari coughed. "Minako they're both guys."
"So what? Are you in or not Viktor?"
"..you expect me to follow a dare?" Viktor asked with disbelief.

"Let's make it a bet! You make Yuuri fall in love with you, I will dance on the street. If he doesn't then.. yeah."
"I'm not agreeing to the bet just so you could dance on the street and get hit by a car."
"Fine! I dance on the street and you get to have Yuuri for yourself."

And the lovesick fool had agreed to it. Viktor the idiot had agreed to it. God I hate this..

The Russian was eyeing Yuuri's text. He texted back:

Me: ...

Me: .-.


Me: oh.


Me: my.


Me: goODNEss.


Me: gracious I love you too ❤️

At this point Viktor slapped himself. Why on earth do I have to be so stupid in awkward situations like this. Viktor what the hell.

To distract himself, he just eyed Yuuri's texts.

Yuriiii: I screamed and my sister came in and looked at me as if I was stupid or crazy I hate you

Me: its okay i love you 😘 gonna come over with katsudon soon ❤️ ❤️

Yuriiii: im going to ban you from the cafe

Viktor only laughed at Yuuri's reply. He didn't bother replying—he just stood up and stretched. "Time for this lovesick fool to buy some katsudon."

「At the café」

"Yuuuriii I'm here," he called out, Mari closing the door behind him. Mari rolled her eyes. "So. You're really doing this bet thing. Why?"
"..I have my reasons." Was all he could say. It was embarrassing if he literally said that Yuuri had been drunk and he charmed the Russian.

Would've been very, very embarrassing.

The boy went downstairs, and his eyes widened. "Jeez you really came."
Viktor just grinned. "Yeah! And I bought some katsudon."
"I noticed."
"Yep. I mean, that's what you said through text." Viktor replied, holding up his phone as if to show the chat. "Still can't believe you screamed."

Yuuri's face flushed. "I-.."
"Wait, lemme see," Mari interrupted, reaching for the phone. Yuuri let out a small shriek and ran down, grabbing the phone in the process. "N- no!"
"Eh? Why? Did you guys talk dirty there or something?"
"I wish."
"V- viktor!" Yuuri scolded, grabbing the latter's hand and dragging him upstairs.

Viktor laughed as Yuuri entered his bedroom, dragging Viktor along. His room is so cold. It smells good too.
"Minako was supposed to stay here but she left to my sister's room." He explained. "Go lie down on the bed or whatever."
"Wow, so we're taking it this fast?"
"Oh my God no."

Viktor just laughed again, and for a moment, he forgot about the bet. "So, we'll eat here?"
"I.. I guess.."
"Alright. Here," Viktor chirped, handing the giant bowl to Yuuri.
Yuuri looked at the dish. "..can.. c-.."
"Can you.." He swallowed, making Viktor more curious. "can you eat this with me?"
Viktor blinked. "Why? I don't really want to eat most of it."
"I.. gain weight easily so.."

Viktor looked at the katsudon. It did look good in many ways that he could not describe. Plus it smelled good. "Okay. I'll just go and get some utensils."

He went back up, handing some utensils to Yuuri. "Here."
"Thanks," he replied, getting some pork.
Okay, I have an idea. "Hey Yuuri, you're like a candybar."
His brows furrowed. "What? How."
"You're sweet and nutty."


"I don't get it." Yuuri replied.
Wait. He doesn't..- "You're joking, right?"
"No, I'm not."
"..just think about it."

Again, silence.

Yuuri started coughing violently, nearly making Viktor flinch. "OH MY GOD I GET IT NOW. VIKTOR WHAT THE HELL."

The Russian laughed, trying to catch his breath. "You realize it now?"
"You're just as dirty as Phichit!" He said, trying to stop the coughing. Viktor chuckled and rubbed his back, trying to stop him from coughing as well. The Japanese boy stopped coughing, heaving breaths and Viktor could only smirk.

"Do you want to hear more?"

I hope my writing skills are better

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