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Katsuki Yuuri

The apartment was colder than usual. Yuuri glanced at the woman on the couch, before looking back at Viktor. "Is it wrong to be scared?" He asked quietly, his brown eyes slowly making it's way to the floor.

What else could Yuuri feel? This girl just came into their lives and he was already uncomfortable around her from day one. She was more pretty faced, confident, for god's sake, she knew Viktor much better than Yuuri could ever do.

He felt his head hurt slightly from all the nervousness.

He heard Viktor chuckle, and he snapped out of it. "No, it's not. I mean, this is the woman who's been blackmailing us for the past week."
"And she was also your third girlfriend," Yuuri said, facing Viktor with a small smile as his grip on the letter tightened. "You have terrible taste in women."

He joked, to which Viktor rolled his eyes. "Well I guess it's good that I got you," he retorted, smiling. "Come on. Let's talk to her."
Yuuri hesitated though. But when Viktor intertwined their hands, he took a deep breath and walked into the living room.

Anna was there, glancing at Makkachin as she scooted away. She looked up at them.

"I didn't blackmail any of you!" Anna protested, and Yuuri raised a brow. "I don't remember mentioning blackmail."

She turned red, and Yuuri wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger. He tried to hide the triumphant look on his face, but it was hard to. Viktor got the letter from Yuuri, and he opened it. "'Last warning. Break up with Yuuri and you'll both go unharmed. I will report you two.' Yup," Viktor stated, looking at Anna angrily. "It definitely wasn't her." He said sarcastically.

Yuuri looked at Anna expectantly, and she sighed angrily. "Fine fine! I did blackmail the two of you. But it's only because Viktor should be mine." She replied, and she looked at Viktor pleadingly. "Viktor, please. I.. I was so so wrong and I regretted it. I only had the nerve to come after you now."

Yuuri felt his entire face pale. Would Viktor go back with Anna? He shook his head. No. Viktor loves you. And.. and you love him. Anna only wants him as some sort of object. Thinking that made his blood boil, but he didn't say anything.

Viktor sighed, glancing at Yuuri. "Anna.. I love Yuuri." He stated, smiling softly. "What we had was pretty toxic.. it was already falling apart the moment it began. I think I would've fallen in love with Yuuri either way."

Yuuri felt his cheeks flush with color despite the situation, but he focused on the angry woman in front of them. "Y- you choose him over me?" She asked, her voice threatening to louden each second. Makkachin growled but said nothing more. Viktor huffed, his notorious grin widening. "Yes."

"I- you- ugh!" She muttered, and Viktor smirked triumphantly. "Anna, stop this. What you did could get you arrested." He said harshly, and Anna snorted. "You know what? Fine! You win."

Viktor closed his eyes, and Yuuri couldn't help but feel surprised at how he was handling this extremely well. "Good!" He chirped, surprising both Yuuri and Anna at his sudden cheerful demeanor. "Because if you try this crap on me and my Yuuri again, I'm going to make sure jail fits as proper punishment. Okay?"

Anna looked like she was about to protest, but she sighed in defeat. "Whatever," she said, flashing a glare at the two of them as she turned to leave. Yuuri stammered. "W- wait."
She stopped, and turned to him. "What?"

Yuuri looked down, but he forced his browns to meet her light eyes. He crossed his arms, and glanced at Viktor. His boyfriend was looking at him questioningly, but Yuuri mouthed 'Trust me.'

"Apologize," he said simply. Anna's eyes widened in disbelief. "Excuse me?"
"Apologize. For all this.. the blackmail put Viktor and I on edge, and it even worsened something that could've broken us." He stated, frowning. "So. Apology?"

Anna growled. After a long silence, she talked. "I'm sorry," she said, obviously trying to keep her temper in check. Yuuri wasn't satisfied, though. In fact, if this rotten girl ever found love, he wanted to poison it like how she poisoned them. But Viktor's hand on his shoulder made his muscles relax, and he nodded, putting on a fake smile. "Apology accepted."

She muttered a curse before going out, and slamming the door. Yuuri flinched, and Viktor sighed. "She was always vain. Which was a shame since she was so pretty too."
Yuuri raised a brow, but Viktor just laughed. "Don't worry, Yuuri. You're ten times more prettier."
"Whatever lover boy," he muttered, though there was a smile on his face.

Yuuri just walked over to the kitchen, sighing. It was over. It was all over. They stayed in silence for at least ten minutes.

"Yuuri," Viktor called out, and Yuuri walked over to the Russian and sat beside him. Maybe he could finally relax. "Hm?"
"Can we just trash sleeping tonight and do it now?" He asked sleepily, and Yuuri snorted. "Be patient you baby."
"Aw but Yuuri, I wanted to see your Eros again.." he whined, and Yuuri sighed. "We just got the blackmail done with, and you want to sleep with me?"
"Yes. I love Eros Yuuri.. might be good in bed." He said cheekily, and Yuuri puffed his cheeks out in embarrassment.

He looked away. "Fine."

Viktor's eyes widened, and a grin formed on his face. "For real?"
"Nap only though," he muttered. "No dirty actions or whatever."
Before Viktor could protest, Yuuri closed his eyes. "We'll do that later.. I Promise."
"So I'll get to see your Eros tonight?" He asked excitedly, and Yuuri just laughed. "Sure Vitya."

"Let's go!" Viktor chirped, carrying Yuuri bridal style, and Yuuri squealed in surprise as he carried him to the bed, the Russian plopping Yuuri down on the bed. He laid next to him, wrapping his arms around the younger boy as he breathed in. Yuuri smiled, though.

Even though it was quiet, Yuuri could already hear all of the laughing moments they would spend together; he could see every sad or angry moment they would spend together, and Yuuri was ready.

He was ready to take on the Grand Prix Final next year with Viktor by his side. He was ready to win gold and, who knows, maybe get to know Yurio better.

One thing was for sure, though.

He was ready to spend the rest of his life with Viktor by his side.


The books over guys! There's still an epilogue though, and just as the story started with Viktor's POV, I thought it should end with it too.

After the epilogue I might even make a special on how they met in this au.

Would you guys like that? Just comment c:

Tysm for the long ride guys! Please check out the other books I will post as I think you might enjoy them as well.


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