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Katsuki Yuuri

「Next day」

"Yuuri let's go!" Viktor chirped, smiling as Yuuri walked beside him. He looked at Viktor. "That teenager is a handful you know."

This random teenager just bombarded him with curses once he went downstairs, and Viktor was forced to drag him and go to skating practice with him.

Viktor laughed. "You mean Yurio? Yeah I know what you mean."
Yuuri sighed and rolled his eyes. "Let's just get going please."
"You really want to get this over with."
Yuuri didn't reply. He just flinched slightly as Viktor held his hand, but he didn't protest either.

His hand is warm..

Once they arrived at the rink, Yuuri couldn't help but look around. It was always empty, which Yuuri found strange. Viktor always thought it was good though, saying, "it's perfect for alone time".

The Russian grinned as they both entered the ice. "Are you going to perform again?"
"Uh, no, sorry." Yuuri replied softly, just gliding across the ice silently.
Viktor sighed exasperatedly. "Fine. Would you like to see me perform?"

Yuuri stopped in his tracks and looked at Viktor. He didn't need to say anything. He just nodded.
Viktor replied by sticking his tongue out. "Sorry. You're going to have to tell me why you left the sport."
"T- that's not fair!" Yuuri argued.

Viktor just laughed. "Oh well. Guess you can't-"
"It's because I lost to a rival." Yuuri blurted out. Encouraged by Viktor's silence, he continued. "I.. lost because I kept screwing my jumps up from all the pressure.."

"But there are so much more opportunities than just losing to a rival!" Viktor protested, his eyes wide. Yuuri sighed. "I.. I know.. but I lost so much more competitions.. Nationals, being one of them.."

Viktor kept silence, and Yuuri was disturbed by the fact that his blue eyes gave nothing away; he couldn't describe Viktor's thoughts at all.

Yuuri kept silent also. He remembered how determined he was—how he wanted to win gold so, so badly. But after a failed triple salchow and a few more jumps, his presentation score was high enough to get him to fourth place.

It was extremely near 6th, and not at all near 1st, the rank his rival made with ease.

'It's okay Yuuri there are more opportunities.'
'It's such a waste..'
'Poor boy.'

"Losing to the rival who always bullied and shot me down.. it destroyed my self-confidence.. and.. and I.." Yuuri was aware that his voice was starting to break. Are you serious? Crying after going into detail?

But Yuuri didn't know spilling his long time hidden sorrow would hurt so badly. I didn't know I'd break so quickly.. was my sorrow that large? So large it would flow out like a destroyed water dam? Viktor pressuring me to tell him.. It made me so much more ashamed and weak.

"I really tried Viktor!" He said, nearly yelling but he knew he had to keep calm. "D-.. don't say I didn't.. because another statement like that.. especially from you.. it would-"

"Yuuri, calm down," Viktor soothed, skating over to the black haired boy. I can't even control my own emotions.. he thought bitterly. "I know you tried.." Viktor said softly, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry for pressuring you into telling me this."

Yuuri's breath hitched slightly, tears starting to drop as he hugged back rather tightly. "It was so pressuring.." he whispered. "everyone cheering for you and-"
"Don't say another word. You need to calm down.." Viktor said rather awkwardly. "um, sorry I don't know how to take care of people crying and I thought a hug or something would work."

Thanks for helping me get over it, Viktor. He thought, finally letting go. He blinked. "V-.. viktor."
"Can you help me.. with skating, that is.. for today?"
Viktor smiled. "I can do better than that. I can coach you."


"Who was on top?" Phichit screeched into the phone, and Yuuri groaned. "Why did I unblock you again?"
"Did you guys really do it!?"
He was to avoid the question, so he did. I would've done it anyways..

"I called you so that I can ask you if I should accept his offer as coach or not," he grumbled, sighing as he buried his head on the pillow. It became a habit.
"Yes you should! But wait! Confirmation please! You already did it right!?"

I can't take this. Sorry Viktor.

"..okay to be completely honest it was a dare by Viktor." Yuuri said slowly.
"Wait so you guys did it thanks to a dare?"
"No!" He said, his face clearly red. I hate this. "He dared me to tell you that."


"Y-.. you just broke me. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS."
"And we are. Sadly." He muttered jokingly. "anyway should I or should I not?"
"Should we even be friends?"
"Phichit please."
"Okay, uhh, yes, duh, and also don't you like him?" He asked, making Yuuri bite his lower lip nervously. "It's been like, two months or something.. surely you'd feel something."

Yuuri sat up, his head against the wall and his eyes closed. "Phichit.." His heartbeat was getting faster every minute as he talked to his friend. Okay, you can do this.

He continued slowly. "Phichit, the guy is a flirt and a dirty minded person like you. Viktor is carefree, insensitive and super air headed it makes me worry for him. He can be a tease, and overall he's not the playboy I thought he was when he came over. He's clumsy, super stupid when drunk and his stupid jokes make me laugh. He's persistent and of course overall childish.. but he helped me when I was down and falling and even offered to coach me.."

Phichit stayed silent, and Yuuri took in a shaky breath.

"So Phichit, of course I like him."

Was it more interesting than last chapter??
I hope so because I promised and such pfft

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