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Katsuki Yuuri

"Phichit, I'm still unsure," Yuuri said slowly. "I mean, what I feel for him might just be infatuation-"
"Boy that's bull. You like him okay? It's not infatuation, it's not a phase, you really like him, okay?" Phichit interrupted. "also stop talking to me about your shit go to your man."
"Jeez i'm pretty sure Viktor doesn't like me that way," Yuuri interrupted, getting a scarf. "he has a girl named Anna-"

"WHO IS THIS ANNA!?" Phichit shrieked, Yuuri groaning. "What's she doing to my ship!?"
"Phichit don't drag your anime stuff here this is real." Yuuri argued, sighing as he put the scarf on. "And Anna's his ex."

"Yuuri, just give me the supplies I'll ask for now and she'll be out of your way," Phichit stated. "I'm going to need some gun powder-"
"Dude no. Don't kill her."

Yuuri rolled his eyes. "Why am I talking to you again?"
"Yuuri I see you as the mother of his children."
"Okay first that's never going to happen because it's biologically impossible, and second, i'm pretty weird and he's way out of my league," Yuuri replied, going downstairs.

"Young man we will talk about this later after your date."
"It's not a date I just-"

Phichit hung up, and Yuuri sighed exasperatedly. I'm pretty much done with him. He thought, though he always knew that he'd just talk to the skater again later.

"Are you guys going on another date?" Mari asked, lighting a cigarette. "because I'm feeling seriously lazy and I want to just sleep."
"Mari-neechan it's not a date," he said, glancing at his older sister. "I'm just going to skate."

"Wait, you're skating again?" Mari asked, the cigarette in her mouth. "Yuuri, that's great! Who's going to be your coach? Wait if you win competitions you'll get prize money right?"

Yuuri blinked, obviously trying to answer each question his sister bombarded him with. "Okay, yes  i'm skating again, Viktor's going to be my coach, and I'm not so sure with the prize money it's been too long."

Without another word he walked out of the café, trying to avoid anymore questions his sister might ask him. "That was pretty embarrassing," he murmured, sighing as he walked through the streets of St. Petersburg.

I'm pretty scared of what the future holds.. and me crying in front of Viktor.. oh god that was so embarrassing..

He thought, trying not to think of the scene at the rink again.

It's strange how so many things happen at that rink.. what will happen today..?

Yuuri honestly didn't know. What will the future hold? What's going to happen at the ice rink? "Hopefully nothing," he said, reaching the familiar apartment building.

This is it.

His face lit up slightly as he saw the Russian. "Vikt-" he cut himself off as Anna followed closely. Viktor looked annoyed, but once his blue eyes locked with Yuuri's browns, he grinned and waved his hand. "Yuuri!"

Stunned, he flinched slightly as Anna looked at Yuuri as well. She smiled, but Yuuri was still wary. "V- viktor, hi." He said, hating his stuttering manner as the Russian ran to Yuuri's side, embracing Yuuri.

"Viktor, is this the Yuuri you were talking about?" Anna asked, and Viktor faced her, though his right arm was around Yuuri's side protectively.

Viktor, why are you suddenly so protective..?

Yuuri couldn't help but flinch again as Anna walked to their direction. "Hi, Yuuri. My name's Anna. Viktor told me so much about you." She said, her smile still on her face.

Why can't she be mean? I want to hate her for some reason..

"H- hi, Anna. Um-"
"Yuuri, let's go to the skating rink?" Viktor asked, and Yuuri blinked, but he did not say anything. He just nodded, waving to Anna, but Viktor just got Yuuri's hand and walked off.

"Viktor?" Yuuri questioned, turning his head to look back, but Viktor just kept walking. "Don't look back, Yuuri."
When they were far away enough, Yuuri pulled away from Viktor.
"What was that all about..?" He asked quietly.

"She comes over sometimes..," Viktor replied, a small smile on his face. "let's go-"
"No, that's not what I meant.." Yuuri interrupted, sighing. "Why does she come over?"
"Viktor give me an answer, please." He murmured, looking down.

I don't know why but I'm so scared right now..

Viktor laughed softly. "Why? What's wrong, Yuuri?"

Can't he tell how I feel right about now?

"I feel.. really awkward around her," he said, slightly embarrassed.
"Yuuri, what do you mean?"

He's so oblivious..

"I-.." Yuuri swallowed. How does he explain? "you don't see it?"
"Yuuri, you have to be more specific.." Viktor murmured, a small frown on his face. Frustrated, he said it a little louder. "I'm jealous alright?"

Viktor's eyes widened. "What? Why?"
"B- because I..!" He couldn't bring the words out. I can't. It's one sided.


"..i'm going to go home.." he murmured, still not looking at Viktor's eyes. "Yuuri, don't leave me again. Please." Viktor pleaded, and it took all of Yuuri's willpower to look up at Viktor. He saw and knew the exact emotion in Viktor's gaze.

Pain.. did I cause that?

"Let's talk about it," Viktor pleaded again. "I'm so tired of you leaving and.. and pushing me away."

I was pushing you away so I don't get in the way.. he thought.
Yuuri, stunned, nodded hesitantly.

"Fine. Let's.. talk.." he whispered.

I hope you liked this chapter a lot. Again, tysm for the votes and comments!

You guys are great, and I love every single one of you <33

Because of that I actually planned something earlier next chap.


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