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Katsuki Yuuri

Three days later

"Maybe we should just cancel the party," Yuuri said slowly, and Minako's hands grabbed each of his shoulders harshly. "What? Why? What happened? Did Viktor and you break up? Did he cheat on you? Did.. did you cheat on him? Oh god Yuuri I-"

"Wait, what? No, no!" Yuuri protested, but at the sound of Viktor's name he just faltered slightly. "Um, I don't think our relationship is that big of a deal.." he lied, his mind already going haywire while he tried to figure out what has happened recently.

He's been so different and distant lately.. ugh what did I do wrong? I hate being new to this stuff..

"Oh, pfft, your relationship is that big of a deal," Minako protested, dragging Yuuri up the stairs and into his room. She sat down on his bed. "Yuuri, this is your first relationship. He's your first boyfriend and you're, like, super oblivious. Plus, you're already twenty one and still a virgin."

Yuuri rolled his eyes and closed the door. "Wow, thanks."
"Honestly! Live will you? Plus this is the perfect opportunity to go and get to know each other—like the drunk version-"

"I already know his drunk version," Yuuri interrupted. Minako huffed. "You know you keep interrupting me and I can't help but think there is something wrong."

"There's nothing wrong." Yuuri lied once more. Minako's eyes narrowed, but she just shrugged nonchalantly. Yuuri swallowed a sigh of relief. "Anyways, this is like the first step in your relationship. Get tipsy. Party! For God's sake, drink. Some. Booze."

"Okay okay!" Yuuri replied, smiling softly. It's so weird how I see her as my friend rather than my former ballet teacher.

Yuuri always went to Minako's studio when he was kid. Sometimes he'd stress himself in trying to follow her graceful moves, plus it was another way to stay fit if he gained weight by accident.

That place had so many memories that it almost made Yuuri stay back in Japan. But he knew he had to do it. He had a lot to thank to Minako too; she was the one who suggested he start ice skating.

'It's a nice step forward!' He remembered her say. "You're a bad example."
She snorted. "Please. I'm a good example on how to live for people like you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She smirked, and opened her mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by Mari entering the room.

"Ugh, I should've known that I shouldn't have let you skip all your shifts. Let's go down and serve some stuff idiot. The café's surprisingly crammed," Mari said, dragging the younger male with much force.
"Oi! What about me?" Minako yelled.
"Go.. fangirl or something I don't give a crap."
"Pfft, fine. Time to watch some of Chris's skating vids."
"Weirdo," his sister muttered as they walked downstairs.

Yuuri wasn't in the mood to work, though; he never was these days after Viktor came into his world. As they walked in, a painful and horrible thought flashed in his mind.

If I'm staying in Russia just so I can gain money, that means I have to return to Japan.. that means I'll leave Viktor and.. are things even fine between us?

The sound of chatter broke his thoughts as he quickly took a notepad and pen, and got to work.

4 hours later

"Why was it.. so.. crowded..?" Yuuri asked, even though he knows his sister Mari doesn't know the answer. Mari rolled her eyes. "Don't complain now. We got a lot of money. We can just money exchange it and whatever."
"If you say so," Yuuri replied, yet even he was smiling. They actually got some money. Yuuri stretched, covering his mouth as he yawned. "I'm sleepy."

"Don't sleep now, Yuuri. Minako may have left so your room is vacant but the café isn't closed yet. It's empty now, but who knows."

"Fine fine," Yuuri said, smiling sheepishly as he ran his hand through his hair. Mari raised a brow, leaning on the small desk nearby and smiling. "I forgot. Why do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"You know.. slick your hair back during performances," she said, looking at him up and down. "you look completely different."

Yuuri smiled. "Really? Well that's the look I was going for.. it's like i'm.. I don't know.. uh.. I'm pretty anxious in real life and on the ice.." he scratched his neck. How does he explain this? "I want to.. intimidate them. I want to be the opposite, so that people don't have to always know how I can screw stuff up.. I want to look like I'm ready when in reality i'm nervous."

"So, a mask," his sister concluded, and Yuuri just nodded hesitantly. "Plus it somehow became my trademark."

"I think it's pretty cool,"

The siblings turned to see Viktor by the door. Yuuri beamed. "Viktor."
"Hi," the Russian replied calmly, and Mari just snorted. "Yo, Nikiforov."
"I'm going to talk to Yuuri first.. is that okay?" Viktor asked, to which Mari nodded to. "Fine fine. Make it quick, though."

Yuuri looked at Viktor, confused, but relaxed when he saw Viktor look back at him with reassurance. Both men headed upstairs to Yuuri's room, and Viktor closed the door.

"Yuuri.. i'm sorry." Viktor states, and Yuuri is slightly surprised. "F-.. for what?"
He raised a brow, sighing. "Yuuri, you did notice that I was.. distant lately, right?"
Yuuri nodded, fumbling with his fingers. "Can.. can I ask why?"

"Because of this."

The Russian unfolded a piece of paper, and Yuuri's breath hitched as the note clearly said to stay away:

Break up with Yuuri. I'm going to hurt the both of you so bad you will regret it.

Yuuri tried not to feel scared. "What is this?"
"This showed up in my mail. I didn't want to break up with you, so I just.. avoided you," Viktor said quietly, his hand hesitantly making his way to Yuuri's cheek, his thumb drawing small circles.

There was a silence that engulfed the two men.

"Let's fight it."

Yuuri could see the surprise that flashed in Viktor's gaze. Yuuri got his hand slowly and smiled.

"I said, let's fight it."
"But this guy might hurt-"
"Viktor, shh."
"No! This.. this is dangerous and-"

"Continuing to stay apart.." Yuuri inhaled shakily and shook his head. "I can't do that." He squeezed Viktor's hand softly as if to say please. He met Viktor's blue eyes. "So, let's fight it." He says, trying to sound stern so that Viktor would stop arguing. Reluctantly, Viktor nodded, and Yuuri had never been so sure of anything until this moment.

If this person thinks he can get away with separating me from my Viktor, he thought wrong.

I am officially sick. Expect more updates soon because.. im bored :P

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