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Katsuki Yuuri

three days later

He ignored her, and he regretted it a lot. But Yuuri couldn't face Mari without remembering the fact that she knew about the bet and let him be played by Viktor.

He flinched as Mari closed the door. Yuuri looked at Mari. "..it's not nine yet.." he murmured, since that was the time they always closed the café. Mari huffed, putting both hands on her hips defiantly. "Shut up and just let me talk to you."

Yuuri gathered all of his willpower to look at Mari, knowing that his eyes were probably revealing his emotions. "Yeah?" He asked in a monotone voice. Mari sighed, smiling. "You know, we can't run a café if we keep fighting. Let's talk—you and me."

"What do you want me to say?" He asked meekly, glancing at the door before back to his sister. Mari walked over to him. "Oi. You know that you're my little brother and I love you, right?"
"You have a weird way of showing it.." he muttered, and Mari playfully pushed him.

"You know that I would've told you about the bet if I didn't trust Viktor, right?" She asked softly, and Yuuri winced, yet said nothing. Seemingly encouraged by his silence, she continued. "He was so starstruck when he saw you enter the café—drenched, your hair so messy—but he still had befriended you before the bet."

"Why does that matter?" He asked sourly, slightly shivering as if he were still drenched like that certain night. Mari sighed. "Yuuri, you know, when you guys got together, he told me and Minako to forget about the bet. He actually fell in love with you."

Yuuri didn't reply. He found himself too busy reminiscing the now bittersweet memories that surrounded his mind; when they cuddled on his bed; when they ice skated; when he promised to be his coach. Maybe.. just maybe they were all real.. but Yuuri was still reluctant to believe.

Mari smiled, and Yuuri's eyes widened. "And if he still took the bet in mind, why would he still say "I love you"? Why would he bother visiting you? Why did he do all of these things? Most importantly: why were you two still together, if he didn't fall for you as well?"

Yuuri's eyes were starting to sting, and his sister continued.

"Maybe.. you two met before which was why he was so starstruck—maybe, just maybe, he fell in love with you first, used the bet as some sort of excuse to keep seeing you, when he didn't know he could've just talked to you, and he didn't know that loving you was already a good enough to reason to keep talking to you."

Mari put a hand on her brother's shoulder, which made him flinch. "Maybe he actually loved you. I personally believe he loved you and used the bet as an excuse to keep seeing you. Maybe so that me and Minako wouldn't know that he fell in love. Maybe because he thought loving you wasn't a good enough reason to keep seeing you, instead using the bet."

Yuuri tried to take all of this in mind, trying to process what his sister just said. Was she right? It sounded so believable, that Yuuri wanted to believe. "Is.. is that t-.. true?" He asked hoarsely, trying not to cry. Mari just laughed. "How should I know? There's only one way to find out. I mean, it's pretty believable."

Yuuri felt tears stream down his face. "M- mari nee-chan i'm.. g-.. gonna go to V- vitya's place," he whispered, already barging out of the door just to go to Viktor. He wanted him to confirm if any of the moments they shared were real.

He was ready to see if Viktor loved him or not.

Yuuri walked through the streets of St. Petersburg, and he eventually saw the apartment building. He practically ran inside and pressed the elevator repeatedly. Once it was too slow, he instead ran up the stairs. He nearly tripped and stumbled a lot of times, but he needed confirmation.

Yuuri finally reached the door, but his finger stopped from pressing the doorbell. His heart was beating rapidly, and he thought it was ridiculous. Why was he so nervous to see Viktor?

So he rang the doorbell, and the door opened to reveal Viktor Nikiforov. His hair was still neat, and he was just as handsome as Yuuri remembered. His blue eyes widened. "Y.. yuuri."
"V-.." he couldn't speak. "V- viktor can I c-.. come inside? Please?"
Viktor nodded and moved aside as he came inside the room, before nervously turning to Viktor.

"My sister talked to me.." he mumbled, fixing his glasses as he faced Viktor. "She told me you asked them to forget about the bet.. t-.. that you really love me.."

Viktor's eyes softened. "That's true. I.. I still do.. Yuuri, I'm sorry. I thought the bet would make me grow close to you. I was so nervous and.. I thought the bet would.. would be a better reason to approach you.."

He smiled slightly, and Yuuri couldn't help but sniffle. "You know.. I still remember how I first met you."
Yuuri's eyes widened. "You mean at the café?"
"No," he replied, his smile widening ever so slightly as his mind trailed somewhere off. "Anna and I.. our relationship was falling apart and we came to talk at a bar—where I met you."

He swallowed. Yuuri couldn't remember what he was doing at a bar, and Viktor continued. "You dragged me to the dance floor. You were drunk, and I somehow fell in love with a stranger. You disappeared, though, and I was so excited when I found you again. So when I agreed to the bet, I was such an airheaded skater who turned into a lovesick fool. So.. I'm sorry."

Yuuri was on the verge of crying again. He knew that Viktor did love him. And in return, he loved Viktor so much. The Japanese boy couldn't help but remember all their times together. And it was just too much for him to handle.

He walked over and gave Viktor a hug that was so tight and eventually he kissed him. He pulled away, smiling and chuckling. Viktor was grinning. "I love you. Do you believe that?"

Yuuri could only nod and cry into his shoulder. "I love you too."

Ayye they made up!! Guys, "Raillery" will end soon in like two more chapters, I'm afraid.

Also, Mari magically became a love expert because I believe that she secretly watches Korean dramas. Now i gtg to school pfft

Tysm for reading!

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