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Viktor Nikiforov

"Have you thought about your answer yet?" Viktor asked nervously, sort of torn between whether he should be fearing for his life or happy that he'll get to spend more time with Yuuri.

Caught in the moment, Viktor suggested coaching Yuuri. He was slightly worried that Yuuri would find him weird or stupid, but there was a strange sensation. He really wanted to coach Yuuri, and he wanted to try and help him.

Viktor wanted to turn his crumbling confidence into a burning determination; he wanted to use Yuuri's dance skills, make him a great dancer both off and on the ice.

He wanted to help Yuuri so badly.

He already ended things with Yakov, even though he knew Yuuri didn't even say anything yet. Yakov and Yuri were mad, obviously, but Yuuri's well-being was much more precious than his career.

It's only something I can do.

"I.. i've thought really long and hard about.. a lot if things," Yuuri said hesitantly, seemingly more meek than usual. "but.. I guess.."
"Yuuri, I'm going to need more than an 'I guess' as an answer. Yes or no?" Viktor questioned.

He needs to be sure of himself.. i'm not so sure I can pull this off either.. but I want to..

"Yes." Yuuri blurted out through the phone, and Viktor smiled. "You do know that you compete in competitions right? I mean, all this just to help you become stronger and no chance to show it to the world?"

"Yeah, I.. know.. i'm just worried I won't find the time-"
"Your sister literally lets you go and skip being a waiter, Yuuri." Viktor said, laughing slightly.
"S- shut up. I still want to help my family and stuff.."

He just shrugged, his small smile getting slightly bigger. "You know, you have a big heart. Another thing why I really like you."
"Everyone has a big heart I'm nothing special."
"You're pretty special, actually. To a lot if people. Including me," he said slowly. "Oh my god stop i'm going to get a heart attack."
"Fine fine. But we can start once you're done?"

There was a discomforting silence that shrouded the two of them. "Viktor.. I'm only staying here with my sister to get money.. I have to go back to Japan one day.." Yuuri whispered softly, and Viktor nearly choked on his own saliva. "I.. almost forgot about that.. right.."

Am I going to lose him again? Hopefully not. Shit..

"Well, we can just talk about schedules later!" Viktor said, trying to cheer the dull mood that the two of them shared. And Viktor was grateful to hear Yuuri feign a laugh; it was strangely comforting. "You wanna go somewhere later?" He asked softly.

"I'd love to. I just realized something big with Phichit.. and I don't know how to handle it. Him screaming isn't helping either," Yuuri said softly, almost whispering.

"If it's a problem maybe I can help?" Viktor asked, stroking Makkachin as he held the phone close to his ear.
"..this isn't a problem.. it's more of me trying to figure out if it's real or fake. But still, I appreciate you asking if we can go out, because I'd really like to."

Viktor nodded, though he was still concerned for Yuuri. What was he talking about? "Since I always seem to pick where we go, why not you pick?"
"The ice skating rink." Yuuri replied. The Russian blinked. "You never liked to go there so why now?"

"Because I have limited time here in Russia.. and I plan to spend it with the people close to me."
"And I thought you didn't like me," Viktor murmured, chuckling shortly after.
"Trust me, that changed a whole lot."
"Well whatever katsudon, I look forward to it."

"You're not picking me up I'm going over alright?"
"It's a proper duty of a gentleman like myself to pick up the person, not the other way around." Viktor stated jokingly, making some sort of terrible British accent.

"Viktor explain how you're a gentleman, and how you're stupid accent makes me laugh," Yuuri asked, chuckling.
"Yuuri, I am a gentleman. Go ask.. Makkachin or something I dunno." He stated, losing the accent.
"I'm. Coming. Over. Bye."

With that statement, Yuuri hanged up, Viktor rolling his eyes. "He's cute but very very stubborn." He muttered, looking over at Makkachin. "Am I right?"

The poodle barked happily in reply, giving Viktor giant kisses on the cheek. "Okay okay down," he said, playing with his dog's long ears before hearing the doorbell.

He stood up and opened the door. "Hi-" Viktor cut himself off.
"Hi Viktor. May I come in?"
"Actually, I'm going somewhere.." he said hesitantly. In reality he just wanted to get out of the apartment as soon as possible. Why now?
"It will only take a minute,"
"..fine. Come in, Anna." Viktor said, swallowing the distaste he was supposed to show as the woman made her way into the apartment.

This is going to be a long day..


Aaa thank you so much for the support on this book even when I stupidly updated chapters that weren't supposed to be out yet!!

I'm vey airheaded that way pffft

Tysm guys! Stay awesome!!

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