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Katsuki Yuuri

Two weeks later

"Wait, she's been coming over?" Yuuri asked the Russian over the phone. The café was pretty empty, so Yuuri took the opportunity to call Viktor.
"Mm.. yeah.. she's okay I guess..? I can talk to her, at least."

You can talk to me, too..

"Well it doesn't matter. You wanna go out to eat? The café will close in like, ten minutes." Yuuri suggested, looking around the small place.
"Hmm, yeah sure! Where?"
"You can eat here," he suggested meekly. "My sister is out. Minako is in a hotel in her stay here too."
"Haha, okay. I'm might tell Anna so that she won't come over for once. But, I might forget in the end."

Yuuri bit his lip anxiously. What's going to happen between Viktor and Anna? Hopefully nothing. He can't go back with her.., he thought. He nodded. "O-.. okay." He said through the phone. "See you here later."
"Yup yup!"

He hung up, trying not to slam the phone on the desk due to his shaking hands. Why am I so scared.. he thought, going upstairs. "It's not my business as to what happens between Viktor and Anna." He said aloud, trying to shake his fears off.

The past month for Yuuri had been great. He was getting closer to Viktor, and he was slowly getting to know his way around St. Petersburg. He found himself interested in Viktor, since he was always unpredictable and carefree.

I want to be like that one day.. He thought, sucking in a shaky breath before texting Viktor:

Me: when are u coming?

He replied instantly.

Viktor: someone's impatient ;)

Me: no I need to prepare and oh my god there's so much to do

Viktor: calm down i can bring take outs

Me: no thats just making me look bad

Me: if ur going to eat here i need to prepare the food

Me: its only proper

Viktor: ..but

Viktor: i already got.. katsudon

He smiled slightly, going into his bedroom.

Me: ur making me look bad on purpose vitya

Viktor: o my god thats my nickname

Viktor: how tf do u know my nickname

Me: u told me

Viktor: ...

Viktor: ..really

Me: yes rlly

Viktor: then you should say it more often its hot

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