Chapter 6 Part 1

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GasterSans POV
   I was left in shock when she went to sleep she loves me?! And I said I loved her too!
Shut up Gaster!
I sighed and went to sleep.

   I woke up the next day to see a crying Y/n. "Hey what's wrong, doll?!" I asked, I knew this crying wasn't fake. I could see it in her eyes, she wasn't faking this, her eyes were filled with horror. She hugged me and cried on my shoulder I hugged her back. "I-I s-saw s-someone! S-someone I-I w-wish I w-would for-forget! I-I th-thought I'd n-never see her a-again!" She said through tears.

   I ran my fingers through her h/l h/c. "Who did you see?" I asked "th-the h-human th-that h-helped m-me l-long a-ago!" She said "what did she help you with?" I asked and probably shouldn't "h-how to control my m-magic! She taught me some other stuff but th-that's n-not im-important!" She said through tears.

   "Well just know you're safe here... with us... with me..." I said before she drifted off to sleep again. I picked her up and put her under the blanket. She had an iron grip so I couldn't escape, I kissed her forehead before drifting off to sleep.

Your POV
   I woke up next to a sleeping G. I giggled forgetting everything that happened earlier I can't tell G what the other thing was! I can't that's a magic that took years to control! I sighed at the thought of it then G woke up. I kissed his cheekbone then he smirked he pulled me in for a kiss, his teeth on my lips. We pulled away and blushed.

I hugged him "hi G!" I said

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