Chapter 25 | Pregnant?

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Y/n's POV
It's been a few weeks and G's been coming home drunk a little more. Now I think he fucked me in my sleep.

Now I have a dirty secret cause I let him do it... he's gonna kill me when he figures out!


But I kinda don't care.

I mean I think he knows and he's been freaking out for the last... 2 hours? "G I told you it's fine!" I said trying to calm him down. "As much as this is ok it's NOT ok!" He said "we might not have the best hospital but believe it or not but an old friend of mine was pregnant during the beginning of the war and me and my sisters had to do the thing when she gave birth to the child." I said. (Yay! Fun facts about you!)

"Y/n I understand you have experience with knowing other people who've been pregnant but you haven't been pregnant before! Some say it hurts!" He said I put my hands on his cheekbones then pulled him towards me and kissed him. "Whatever happens you're going to be there for me G... you always will." I said he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist "you're right, I won't let you out of my sight." He said.

"What do you think the baby is going to look like? I mean I'm pretty sure your dad has already told everyone I'm pregnant!" I said "yes he has." He said with a sigh. "Well whatever the baby looks like I'm sure he or she will be as beautiful as you!" He said. "You shouldn't be so worried G... believe it or not I've always wanted a child..." I said. There was a knock on the door. G answered it and King Asgore and Toriel were there "I'm sooo happy for the two of you!" Toriel said as she quickly rushed over to me.

"Has the baby started growing, kicking? Are you gonna be ok?!" She asked Asgore was whispering stuff to G and Frisk came in and over to me. "I'll be fine Toriel and no we just figured out I was pregnant and G is freaking out because it was an accident. Even though this might be the best accident that's ever happened to me!" I said.

"Also a Neko pregnancy is different than a humans and a monsters! The baby grows inside the mother as a kitten and is born in its cat form! After 8 or 9 weeks the baby can start turning into it's normal Neko form!" I said.

"Really?! That's very interesting!" Toriel said but then she whispered to me "do you have to do breastfeeding?" I shook my head no "only for the first week but besides that no. I just need to give her warm milk to drink and she'll be fine! It's weird how Neko's work but I have to accept that!" I said.

One Week Later

Me and G were just by the beach when he started talking "Y/n?" He said "hm?" I hummed in response "you know... you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and..."

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