I Got Bored | Chapter 20

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Authors Note -
Ok only one person voted and I'm bored so I'm gonna continue writing this and you'll see the pups name! Enjoy!

              I am not the patient type.

I faced Y/n who was dead asleep on the couch, Raven (the pup) is cuddled up next to her. Ash and Snow, Y/n's sisters, are very weary about me being around Y/n. I don't think they like the fact that she has me as a boyfriend.

I stood up and picked up Y/n bridal side and Snow and Ash said "where do you think your taking her?" I shrugged "to bed. You girls should get some sleep too." I stated they shrugged and went to their rooms, I took Y/n upstairs and laid down with her wrapped in my arms. I pulled the blanket over us and Raven came to lay down with us. Slowly I drifted off to sleep.

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