Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV
I woke up in a hospital I thought this was the real world but it wasn't. I looked up to see I wasn't in the hospital me, G, Undyne, Asgore, Toriel, and Alphys made. It must've been made by someone else. I sat up and I heard a male voice talk to me. The voice was a little familiar "hello my queen! Are you feeling better?" It was the king of the human base that was still up. He grabbed my hand not so caringly and he had something behind his back. "Y/n!" I heard G yell I turned to see a doorway and G running up to me from it. The king of the human base didn't take kindly to this and he threw a knife at G hitting him in the skull. I collapsed to the ground watching G turn to dust but before he turned to dust he said "Y-Y/n I-I l-love.... yo-you!" My inner demon was turned on at that moment but I woke up from the sadness of watching G die.
End of Dream

I woke up panting and I felt G's arms wrap around me. I quickly turned to G and gave him a hug. I hugged him tightly as if I was saying goodbye to him. It was a "goodbye forever" hug tight. He wrapped his arms around me while I cried onto his shoulder.

G rubbed circles into my thighs as I hugged him, I didn't want to let him go. "Doll? Are you ok?" He asked. "G-G pl-please d-don't t-turn t-to d-dust!" I said crying into his shoulder Ash and Snow ran into the room "What Did You Do To Her!?" They yelled at G "she had a nightmare." G stated they came up to me and hugged me. I let go of G and hugged them back. It felt nice to have my family back. I felt safe.

G had to leave and that left me with Snow and Ash. "So why are you dating him?" Ash and Snow asked in unison. "I'm dating him because he makes me feel safe and I love him for who he is." I stated "Have you two gone at it yet?" Ash asked "if I said yes would you kill him?" I asked "no if you said yes I was going to ask if you were pregnant." I froze to what Ash said "we what I totally forgot about that but I don't think I'm pregnant or not yet pregnant! What do I do!? What do I do?!" I started freaking out "well I have these but they might not work anymore." Ash said as she held up pregnancy tests.

"Can I use one?" I asked I used the pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I wasn't pregnant but something weird happened. On the pregnancy test it said that if I had sex with him one more time I'd be pregnant. Then it went off.

Some part of me was sad that I wasn't pregnant, the other side of me was glad that I didn't have to worry bout it another part of me wants to become pregnant. I walked back out "sooo it said that if I had sex with him one more time I'd be pregnant. Part of me is sad that I'm not pregnant part of me wants to become pregnant and part of me is glad that I don't have to worry bout pregnancy." I stated they nodded "well if you do go at it again with G and you become pregnant. Me and Ash are gonna have nephews!" (I think that's what it's called right?). Snow cheered to herself.

For the rest of the time we just sat around talking about names I'd name the baby if I did have one.


Author's Note

                           Comment some name ideas but remember the baby probably won't happen for a few chapters sooo I need names quick because Wattpad and YouTube is all I use in life!

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