Chapter 15 | The Past Haunts The Present

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Your POV
I stood there with my katana at hand. Me and master Willow were training. Since I was mentally insane when we fought I'd always say some weird stuff to catch my pray off guard.

I dodged her every attack and then I was thrown to the ground. I tumbled a bit before standing back up. I was greeted by her katana to my throat but before she could even pretend to cut off my head like she usually does when we fight. I dropped kicked her and grabbed her katana. I crossed the katanas around her neck then we both started laughing.

Next thing ya know, the room was filled with humans attackers. We got into fighting stances I gave her her katana back and we started swinging at the human attackers.

When we thought it was all over it wasn't and Willow was stabbed through the chest then her soul was broken and dead. Her body lied on the ground lifeless.

Out of anger and rage I killed the man that killed her and sat there crying then I started running away. That's when I built my tree house and continued this war alone.
End of Past/Dream

I woke up with tears in my eyes. G was quick to comfort me. His soothing voice always comforted me "hey it's ok! What happened, doll? You're ok I'm here!" He repeated in my ear.

I cried on him for a little before I told him about my dream that was also my past. He said that everything was going to be ok. I wrapped my arms around him and stayed like that. I held him close to me as I started to drift off to sleep.

      She was now sound asleep. I hated hearing her cry. It was the most terrifying sound. I kept her close to me through the night. I didn't want to sleep I wanted to make sure she was still ok. She buried her face into my chest. I didn't let her go.

      She was so warm. Her skin was soft and smooth. I kissed her forehead before I drifted off to sleep.

      When I woke up Y/n was still asleep, but she still had a strong grip on me. I went back to sleep later but a dream turned into a nightmare.

The Dream/Nightmare
      I was in a hospital. I was in the waiting room. I saw Y/n next to me. Her smile still standing. I think I saw and heard her cough a few times but I ignored it. When the doctor came out they asked for Y/n to go to the room. The doctors had huge smiles on their faces. When she left and got to the room. I. Heard. Her. Scream. I quickly ran into the room to see her lying dead on the bed and a doctor next to her holding a knife that was in her chest. He pulled out her soul and the knife and stabbed her soul. I over reacted and killed the man. When I went over to Y/n I checked her pulse. Nothing. I cried. And cried. Still trying to find one. Nothing.
End of Dream/Nightmare
      I woke up next to Y/n I was panting violently. I checked her pulse and soul to make sure she was still alive. Yes. She's still alive. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I didn't want to let go. I didn't want to leave her side. I didn't want to leave her.

      The next morning Y/n woke up and turned to go face to face with me. I didn't notice her because I was talking to Gaster.
Hello son
Long time no hear Gaster
Well I was busy
Doesn't give you an excuse to say hi once in a while
I was going to a few days ago but you and your girlfriend seemed... well rather... busy
Oh well at least you stopped to say
Speaking of your girlfriend you should probably pay attention

      When I payed attention to the real world Y/n right next to me humming my name "Geeeeeeeeee~ you ok? Geeeeeeee~?" I hummed a yes in response. "You awake?" She asked with a giggle. "How am I talking to ya, dove?" I asked "with your mouth!" She said sarcastically. I smirked and she climbed on top of me. "Are we going to do something today? I'm bored!" She complained.

      I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me and said "I wasn't planning anything, dove do you have any ideas?" I asked, her smile brightened. "I wanted to see if we could help anyone with anything! Buuuuuuut if you know anything else we could do.... what do you want to do?" She asked.

      I chuckled "why don't we look around the area! We haven't seen most of it! Does that sound good?" I asked she nodded.

                                   ~ Time Skip ~
      While looking around the area, humans surrounded us. They pulled Y/n away from me and held a knife to her throat. This pissed me off "any last words monster?" The man asked "stop!" Y/n shouted.

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