Chapter 7

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Your POV
   Everything has been going great since the day I asked G what we were going to do since war is over! I looked at the finished houses, the mansion we were still working on! But Assgore and Toriel insisted they could do it themselves so the others didn't have to work double time! There were so many houses to work on and me and G were sent out to get some more materials. We went into the forest "Y/n you go that way and I'll go this way, deal?" G asked me I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. I saw a small tint of yellow form on his cheek. I started walking in the direction he told me to go. I smiled to myself thinking that me and G could be more than friends! I just didn't know when to ask, then I saw an injured hybrid on the ground. She had black wings and a torn up outfit, she had a lot of blood on her and seemed to be knocked out cold. I looked around the area to see if there were any humans. Once I saw none I picked the girl up "G! G! I need your help!" G teleported in front of me "what happened?" He asked "she was lying on the floor and she seems injured! We have to help her!" I said, this is the first time in forever I've seen a hybrid of her kind. Once we got back to camp I took her inside the completed hospital well looks like this came in handy! I set her down on the hospital bed and changed forms.

G's face was a lemon! It was cute I kissed him on the teeth before setting a mind trick on the girl

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G's face was a lemon! It was cute I kissed him on the teeth before setting a mind trick on the girl. G's lemon face got brighter! I pulled out the girls mixed soul it was black and green. I started healing her and then said "G don't freak out just catch me." I said before passing out.

G's POV (look I'm to lazy to put the full name)
   I wanted to start yelling for someone's help but she said not to freak out. I quickly teleported her back to her bed and then teleported back to the girl. I didn't know what to do so I waited. I heard shuffling later coming from the room the girl was in. I opened the door and she looked at me shocked. Then she ran up and hugged me "thank you for helping me! Those sick humans almost killed me!" She said then let go with a smile "it's my friend you should be thanking! Anyways what's your name? I'm G!" I said "Tiffany! But you can call me Tiff!" She said. "Can I meet this person who helped me?" She asked I nodded "take my hand." I said holding out my hand she took it and I teleported us to the bedroom Y/n was in. "When she healed you she used a healing magic that healed your soul! So it has an effect because of the power used on you it made Y/n pass out from the power usage!" I said Y/n was back to normal she wasn't in the hospital form. "Well when do you think she'll wake up?" Tiff asked "soon or tomorrow!" I said a little bit of worry laced my voice. Tiff looked upset then she put a smile back on her face. "Do you want to hang out while we wait for her to wake up?" Tiff asked "sure but first do you want to help me get some more supplies?" I asked "sure!" She said.

~Time Skip Tomorrow~

Your POV
   I woke up. I heard G talking to some other female voice. I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time. Jealousy. I got out of bed and saw the hybrid girl talking with G. Her voice had a sense of flirty and craving for G and I didn't like that. "G? Hybrid Girl?" I said G ran up to me hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. "Are you ok?" He asked worry laced his voice "yes thanks for caring! Anyways when did she wake up is she ok?" I asked "I'm ok and I'm Tiffany but you can call me Tiff!" Tiff said I smiled "I'm Y/n! Glad to see you're ok!" I said. I gave G a quick kiss "G I'll be right back!" I said "where are you going?" G asked "non of your business!" I said "tell me or you don't leave." He said "I'm curious! I felt like someone was watching us when I found the girl! I need to see if someone found us!" I whispered to G, he nodded. But gave me a kiss I kissed him back and smiled with a blush.

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