Chapter 22

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      I got home and saw Y/n and the other girls talking about babies. "Why are you guys talking about babies?" I asked "we thought you might've gotten Y/n pregnant." Ash stated like it was normal "Ash!" Y/n shouted at her "so are you pregnant?" I asked a little scared "no but something weird happened. It said if I went at it with you one more time I'd become pregnant. Part of me wants to be pregnant." She mumbled the last sentence but I heard.

      Y/n decided to make dinner and Ash and Snow started talking about it to me. "So are you going to make her pregnant? And if you do if you leave her your dust!" Ash and Snow threatened "I would never leave her. And I'm not going to push our relationship that far yet." I said with a smirk. "So you are me and Snow are gonna have nephews!" Ash and Snow did a little silent cheer. I chuckled.

      After dinner Ash and Snow went to bed quite early. Leaving me with Y/n. Y/n was resting her head on my shoulder. I smirked and grabbed her chin to make her face me. "So you want me to make you pregnant, dove?" I said seductively. She was blushing madly. "Ye- n- maybe!" She cursed under her breath for stuttering.

      I chuckled causing her face to turn a darker red. "G stop messing with me!" She said "doll, I'm being serious. Do you want us to have a child?" I asked in the most serious voice I've ever used. She started to quiver probably shocked at me being nothing but serious I went up to her ear "cause if you want... we can have a good time." I whispered in her ear.

      I nuzzled my head into her neck she closed her eyes. "I guess I sorta do, G... I guess I sorta do..." she said. 

When me and your brothers get to the new monster base we are discussing this
Gaster!? What the hell?!
Son, if you want to give her kids you should probably propose first.
Dad- Gaster, this is my relationship not yours.
Did you just call me dad?
Yes you did awe my son called me dad!
Go away Gaster!
Fine I'll leave you and your girlfriend alone.

      Y/n had her arms and tail wrapped around me as she nuzzled her head on mine. She was gently purring. Not thinking I scratched her chin, she purred more. She curled onto my lap like a cat even though she wasn't one or in a cat form.

      I ran my fingers though her hair and I rubbed her back. She seemed really comfortable. She looked at me with her beautiful e/c eyes and I teleported us upstairs. Damn she turned me on so easily. We had a big day tomorrow. Gaster and all my bros were coming. Good thing is there are a lot of houses for them to stay at.

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