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I wanted to make this chapter to thank @EmiPhant28! They wrote a book called "True Love" it's a Gaster Sans X Reader and they used my idea in it and I thought that was really sweet! So I decided to say thank you in one of my most read FanFictions so if you're reading you're awesome! Your stories are great! And I support your writing! And thank you again for using my idea it was really sweet! Made me feel better because of the hard times I go through in my average life! Thank you! Besides that I wanted to say that the next chapter will be out sooner or later! I'll post it when I can figure out what the babies are going to be named! Anyways thank you! I thank all of you for reading everything! I'm actually writing actual books and I'm planning to publish one in the summer! When I do publish one of them I'll leave and author's note saying what it's called! Anyways thank you again!

Gaster! Sans X Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now