Chapter 10

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We finally got everything cleared up with Y/n not killing a monster. The monster thought to be killed was out getting supplies and the dust on the ground wasn't monster dust it was the other kind. Anyways me and Y/n are now on good terms. But Y/n's hiding something I need to know. She keeps freaking out when I talk about it. Then she came up to me "G I need your help!" She said "what do ya need?" I asked she pulled me close to her "something wants to kill me! It's after me! I'm scared! And I-I j-just don't know wha- I!" She said "hey I'll help you but let's get some rest! It's almost pitch black outside!" I said she smiled and kissed me. I smiled and kissed her back. I carried her bridal side to the bed set her down and lied next to her.

Your POV
   I woke up next to a sleeping G, I kissed his cheek and felt a pain run through me. I held back a scream. Then saw a man enter the room. I was frozen. I couldn't move, I tried to scream but nothing came out. I moved enough to tap G surprisingly waking him up. I was violently shaking. I saw the man disappear, I felt G put his arms around my waist. I calmed down and leaned against him. I didn't say anything "you okay, doll?" G asked. "I saw someone... I tried to scream... nothing..." I said. "It reminds me of when me and my family were attacked... I tried to scream... nothing, but when I did.... nobody came." I said feeling tears slide down my cheeks.
Announcement - Don't worry! If you don't like this so far it's a lead up to what I'm planning next to happen. So if you don't like this. Don't worry it's just a lead up. Nothing to interesting. But it's still important!

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