Chapter 16 | Love means Sacrifice

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      We all looked at Y/n "what would you rather take his place!?" The man snapped at Y/n, she yanked away from the two men holding her and walked up to me. She placed her hand on my cheekbone. Then she turned back to the men. "Love.... means.... sacrifice! And this is a sacrifice.... I'll take!" She snapped at them.

      A katana appeared in her hand her insane came back. "What ya say G! Wanna get the show back on the road!?" She asked, I smirked as my yellow aura shinned brighter. "With pleasure!" I said, she attacked the men and I did to with every blow she made. She also got hurt. After we killed all the men. She was wounded severely.

      I teleported us back to the hospital. She changed to her nurse form and healed her soul causing her to pass out. I teleported us back home and lied down next to her. She was worried about me getting hurt but. She's the one in danger.

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