1. Phichit the love Doc.

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Song of the chapter: Hurricane Halsey
It was a cold day, the kind of day where you couldn't get frostbite but after being out long enough your nose could turn pink.
Yuri sat on his hotel bed all alone as usual. It wasn't that big of a deal as he was never home in beloved Japan but always on the move being a figure skater competing at this year's Grand Prix Final, and this had been Yuri's worst year yet.
At the rate he was going he might as well retire rather than continue his career in skating.
Yuri Looked outside at the fresh snow that had fallen the previous night when his phone buzzed.

Phichit: Yuri! Dude I'm here at the Boca restaurant near the hotel, Yurio is also here, I think you should come hang out!

Yuri: I guess I'll come; I'll be there around 5. Okay?

Phichit: Kay see ya there!

To say Phichit was Yuri's only friend and Yurio as was a little intimidating to say to the least.
But Yuri agreed to get out, so he grabbed his favorite jacket and exited his room to head to the restaurant.
Yuri got lost and took a few wrong turns so by the time he arrived his nose was bright pink and as he enters the warm restaurant his glasses fogged up. "Yuri!!!" Yuri saw Phichit sitting down and walked over.
"Hi! So this is Yurio by the way, in case you didn't know. He isn't really a people person he likes cats more, but I think you two would be a great couple, I mean friends" Phichit laughs and tells Yuri to sit next to Yurio.
"So did you guys order yet?" Yuri asked the two as he took a seat. "Yeah, we ordered drinks but not food, Phichit can you get him something?" Yurio answered looking at Yuri with curiosity in his eyes. "Yep" Phichit walks away leaving the two alone.
"So" Yuri says not really knowing what to say in this situation. Yurio saw that Phichit had gone to the bathroom and shrugs it off.
Only Phichit knew that Yurio had a crush on Yuri so it must have been a set up that he had planned with all his free time. But seriously, Phichit was always playing love doctor and it almost never worked out. While Yurio did have a crush on Yuri, Yurio was known to not be the best boyfriend and to be with someone like Yuri who had a heart of gold and it would unnerve many people who might imagine them dating.
"Anyways I hear you're starting to make a climb to the Grand Prix this year." Yuri commented while looking for Phichit who seemed to have planned this perfectly. Yurio decides to quit with the small talk and to got up to get the drinks they ordered.
Yurio held the drinks that they ordered and scrunched his nose at the alcoholic stench Yuri's drank gave off.
"Oh! Thanks" Yuri says before taking a large sip out of the glass "what did Phichit order me?" He says holding the drink in his left hand. "And where is he anyway?" Yuri gets ready to stand but Yurio pulls him down.
"Phichit is in the bathroom and don't ask me what the drink is, he ordered it." "Oh okay" Yuri continued to drink it anyway and I few minutes later Phichit finally returned.
Yuri had downed the beverage and now had a good amount of alcohol in his system. "Phichit what did you order him?" Yurio asked as he got up to get food "oh, it's a secret" Phichit smirked before heading to get the food.
Phichit came back with the food and another drink for Yuri. "He must really want to make this work" Yurio thought to himself as the drink was passed over and Yurio took some fries for himself. "So how is it going with you two?" he asked as innocently as he could. "Phichit I know this was a set up, and I told you to stop doing these kinds of things. It's already creepy that you run fan accounts for every single competitor in the Grand Prix Final, including yourself" Yurio said before grabbing Yuri who almost feel out of his chair. "Come on Yurio, your ruining all the fun! And anyways if it weren't for me you would only have half the followers on Instagram." He says taking one of Yurio's fries. "Hey! I ordered that get your own fries! And I wouldn't be super sad if I didn't have 4 million crazy fans stalking me 24/7." "Okay you win that one, but can you at least try to have a relationship for once? You and Yuri need it" Phichit practically pleads looking at Yuri do probably didn't know what was going on. "I guess" Yurio says before planting a light kiss to Yuri's forehead.

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