10. Victor, Russia's sweetheart

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Song of the chapter: safety pin - 5 sos

Victor sat up and looked at the time. It was 8:30 in the morning. He looked up and saw that a light snow was falling. "Oh, no" He grumbled. Victor knew that the skating season was starting to come closer everyday, but he had no clue what to do. He didn't know how to get Yuri out of the sad mojo he has been in for the past two weeks. Victor knew it would take time for Yuri to recover enough to return to skating but locking yourself alone in your room for hours without food or water, was not healthy for anybody. Yuri didn't talk to anyone, not his parents, not his sister, not makkachin and not even Victor. The worst of it all however was the troubled cries Victor heard every night keeping him awake. But it had to end sooner or later, so if Victor had to get Yuri out of that mojo himself he would.
Victor stood up and got dressed in simple sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. To be honest Victor was worried. It would be the first time he talked to Yuri in a long time, too long.
He exited the room and walked to Yuri's room. He knocked. "Yuri, I need to talk to you" Victor said. "Noooooo" Yuri replied not budging. "Yuri" Victor repeated and he grabbed the door knob. "I don't want to talk to you" Yuri said again his voice raising. Victor twisted the knob and the door clicked open. "You did a bad job of locking the door" Victor said a soft laugh escaping.
"Victor, I don't want to talk." Yuri repeated and stuffed his face in his pillow. "Will you at least come to the beach with me?" Victor asks almost pleading. "Fine" Yuri says and he rolls himself off the bed.
Victor stood still at the door as Yuri started to get up. "Oh my god" Yuri yelped before clutching his stomach. "What's wrong?" Victor says walking over and holding on to him. "Everything hurts" Yuri groans. "When was the last time you ate?" Victor says feeling how painfully thin Yuri was. "I don't remember" Yuri drops. "Oh my god!" Victor Yells and lays Yuri down.
Victor ran downstairs and stopped at the fridge "I need food!" Victor grabbed leftover pork cutlet and heated it up. He also made tea with leaves. Victor ran back up the stairs to Yuri's room and to say to the least, Victor was no waiter. "Yuri this is why you have to eat. You could have died." Victor said as Yuri slowly ate. "Why does it matter? I'm a piece of useless shit anyways." Yuri replied putting down the food. "You're not a piece of shit, you're beautiful." Victor said gently lifting Yuri's chin. "Shut up Victor, I don't care what you think." "You seemed to two weeks ago and you told me that you loved me." Yuri couldn't take it anymore he just broke. Tears dripped off of his face. "Shhh" Victor sat on Yuri's bed and and pulled the boy onto his lap. Victor wiped away the tears with his thumb and then ran his hands through Yuri's hair. "Yuri, you are the most beautiful boy, matter a fact the most beautiful person in the world." Yuri smiled and his face glowed a pastel pink. "Victor are you gonna go back to Russia?" Yuri asked slowly. "What kind of question is that? I love you Yuri, the only reason I would be going back to Russia would if I was with you." Victor smiled before planting a kiss to Yuri's lips. And the two just sat in silence without a care in the world.

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