11. Yuri needs to calm tf down

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Song of the chapter: wolf in sheep's clothing - set it off

Yurio stood in the hallway of the ice rink waiting for Yakov to arrive. Yakov had recently told him that he had found someone who would get Yurio a ticket to this year's grand prix final. But Yurio didn't want useless gold medal and a fancy title, he wanted a golden heart and he only knew one person who had a golden heart.
So Yurio just said he wanted gold and he knew that this year Yuri would also be going to the Grand Prix final, especially with Victor as his coach. "Yuri!" A voice called. It was Yakov's. Yurio walked over and saw Yakov with a woman, a very haggy one at that but if she was going to help Yuri to get to his goal he was all in for it.
"This is Lilia, she is going to help you win this years Grand Prix Final," Yakov says even though Yurio had already figured that part out. "What are willing to do for gold Yuri?" Lilia then asks putting Yurio back. "Anything" he said an evil grin entering his face. "Even as far as selling you soul?" She says looking at Yurio solemnly. "I want gold and I will do anything it takes to get it" Yurio says in a firm voice even more determined than ever before. "Good then we shall start on your journey to gold, Yuri even though I know that's not what you really want" She says before walking away with Yakov to talk about his routines.
"How did she know?" Yurio was shocked or as some people say shook. Yurio was at a loss of words. He even, he hasn't said anything to anyone about what his plan and he wasn't planning on either. But Yurio had to start practicing for this season or he would not be anywhere near Grand Prix Final good.
Later that day Yurio was walking to meet at a nearby restaurant to talk to Yakov and Lilia. He entered the restaurant and sat down. He opened up his phone and went on the first app he saw. He was scrolling around when he stopped and to see that Victor had posted. It was a photo of Himself, Yuri and Makkachin. They all looked happy which pissed Yurio off. He didn't really know how pissed he was until his phone was shattered across the room. "Fuck" Yurio walked over to the broken phone. The screen was cracked and bits of glass fell off. He picked up and a piece of glass sliced into his skin. "Fuuuck" Yurio groaned putting the phone in his pocket mentally reminding himself to get it fixed later.

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