14. Rain gives Yurio a taste of his own medicine

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Song of the chapter: tag you're it
Melanie Martinez

Yurio sat down after his practice and he grabbed his phone. "Oh shit, I missed the China cup free skate." Yurio went to see how everything went and who won. He went to the Grand Prix finals official website and it exploded. "Ugh I'll look later" he said before undoing his skates. "Yuri, were going out if you want to come" a voice called and Yurio didn't know who it was.
Yurio got up however because he knew he could see what happened there. Yurio walked and the cold practically froze him. Yurio actually hated the cold, but he was born in Russia so he got used to it after awhile. Yurio walked in silence, he found it comforting. Matter a fact he liked to skate alone, to walk alone and to travel along, but Yurio was lonely which is why Yurio was doing so well this year and next week he would be heading back to Russia and Yuri would be there. Yurio felt a tap and looked up.
It started to rain. "Great even the weather hates me" Yurio said stopping to see how hard the rain was coming down. "Oh shit" Yurio realised that the it was below freezing. It was going to turn into freezing rain soon. Yurio started to run to the restaurant he was going to meet the others at. "Ow!" he yelled as the drops hit him from above. Yurio was close to the hotel when someone slammed into him causing him to crash to the cold ground. "Hey! Watch it asshole!" He said looking at the person who slammed into him. "What?" Yurio added as he stood up and saw that the man was staring at him. "Hey, you're the Russian Yuri" he said looking at Yurio. "Yeah I know that, now who the hell are you?" "I'm Otabek Altin, now you better get that anger controlled, or nobody will ever love you." Otabek laughs before jogging away. "Shut the fuck up!" Yurio yelled letting the chunks of ice hit himself as he scowled and ran to the restaurant.
Yurio got to the restaurant cold and not happy at all. He sat at one of the farther tables and ordered himself a drink. "Yuri! Come look at the scores for the cup of China" Mila called out "I'll stay over here" he said looking at the tv that was above.
Someone came over with what Yurio had ordered which was a soup and a sprite. Yurio started eating when he heard the announcers say something about Yuri. He looked up and saw a photo that was taken of Yuri and Victor. Yurio frowned and grasped his spoon harshly.
"I really believe that these two were a match made in heaven how about you?" The spoon snapped. Yurio stood up and turned off that tv. "Yuri why did you do that?" Mila asked annoyed. "I'm going to prove those assholes wrong, I'm going to prove the whole fucking world wrong! Yuri and Victor are Not A Match Made In Heaven!" Yurio screamed before stopping outside and swearing. "Why Does everyone hate me!? He shouted "well they can go fuck themselves, cause I'll prove them all fucking wrong!" Yurio's yells turned into laughter, as if he had had lost his mind. "Just you wait Victor, I'll show you who gets Yuri and that person is me and only me!" Yurio calls out still cracking up. "Just you wait, Victor, Just you wait."

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